George W. Bush's Madness Must Be Apparent Even to the Most Uninitiated
George W. Bush's madness must be apparent even to the most uninitiated. He contintues to pursue the same course of action in Iraq, believing mindlessly that the outcome will be different. He has put in harm's way an additional 21, 500 of our best and brightest young soldiers with no thought whatsoever for their risk. Only a callous and insensitive madman with not care for the harm he is inflicting on our young service people, on America, on Iraq and on the world would do what Bush is doing. He is the Butcher of Baghdad and now the Butcher of Our Brothers and Sisters. What butchery we have seen in Baghdad up to now will be dwarved by what is forthcoming by his new surge. When one American or Iraqi dies in Bush's senseless war mankind is diminished by that one death: "Any man's death diminishes me because I am involved in mankind; therefore, never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee." said poet John Donne and Bush is illustrating his words.
Bush is behaving in total opposition to seventy percent of his fellow Americans by pushing ahead with his surge. He has no new plan, he has no explanation for his action, he has no support for his actions. Even the American Nazi neocons who originally orchestrated the ill-advised invasion of Iraq now believe it was a mistake and the execution of the invasion by the Bush administration is and has been a catastrophe.
Bush is the worst president in the history of our republic, the worst person ever to be president of the United States, and the most stubborn and unintelligent person ever to serve. He is a failure in all facets of his peersonal and professional life and a complete and abject failure not just as president but as a negotiator, diplomat and statesman. He appears not to even know what the word statesmanship means. He has surrounded himself with toadies, sycophants and lapdogs so completely that he can never hear the truth and even if he does, he is too benighted to act on it.
Truth has never been this man's companion, the lie has been his administration's policy and stupidity and bungling have been its guiding force.
He is beyond any form of redemption. The quicker he is impeached, the quicker the world will benefit. Then the United Nations War Tribunal can impose justice by trying him for War Crime and Crimes Against Humanity. George W. Bush is the world's greatest terrorist, its most hated tyrant and a blot on the history of two centuries. He must be stopped for sake of humanity and the future of the world.
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