Saturday, October 05, 2013

McClintock Voted to Shutdown the Government and Put All Those Workers Associated with Yosemite Park Out of Work

Hopefully, Mindless McClintock will have unwittingly put himself out of office by his latest Tea Party Fiasco.  People can clearly see that this self-serving carpetbagger's only concern is staying on the federal dole, serving himself, and appeasing the extreme Tea Party element in his party.

He has been willing throughout his mottled career to prostitute himself to stay in elected office by moving, when his old constituency can no longer abide him, to the most red district available, and appealing to the fringe element, working it frenetically into a Guns, Gays and God lather and getting elected.

He uses the same techniques used by Hitler and Mussolini, screaming platitudes while working himself into a bulging veined. red-faced frenzy of mindless commitment to the fringes, telling them their lunacy is acceptable to him.

It is time for Carpetbagger McClintock to start looking for another very red district ... maybe he will be unable to find a redder district since his current Congressional District is the reddest in the nation; if he has lost support in his current district, he will be FORCED to retire, the only way people will ever get rid of this carpetbagger.

He has never had any intentions of representing the people; he is only concerned with representing himself and the benighted who follow him.

Closing Yosemite Park may be his undoing; he hurt hundreds of people where they really feel it - in their pocketbooks.

Thursday, October 03, 2013

Another Desperate Act of the Republican Party, the Greatest Enemy of the American Way of Life

The current government shutdown by the idiot Senator from Texas is just the most recent example of the Republican Party's demonstration of it being a group of loose cannons completely out of control.  Anyone who votes for, donates to or supports in any way the Republican Party is supporting the Great Enemy of the American People.  No group, not the Old Communist Party, Al Qaeda  Al Shubab, no other group ever has so steadfastly worked to undermine the United States of America than the Republican Party.  Just associating with the Republican Party is to be the quintessential Anti- American.

With no leadership, direction or purpose other than to destroy our government for no apparent reason other than individual self-service and unbridled business created by no government regulation to protect the people and the environment from rapacious international corporations.  The Republican Party has achieved its statutes as the Greatest Enemy of the American People by schmoozing the untutored, the innocent and the very stupid to support it by dangling the three G's, God, Guns and Gays in front of them.  The fear factor is what enabled Hitler to take over Germany, Stalin Russia and Pol Pot Cambodia.  Now America has allowed itself to unwittingly fall under the pernicious influence of the all-destroying Republican Party.

The only way to take back our nation is to withdraw all support for anyone remotely associated with this demonic party, the Republican Party.  We must stop the Republican Witch Hunt to Destroy America and stop it quickly.

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Paul Krugman: House Republicans Not Willing to Face Reality

By Paul Krugman

Published: Monday, Aug. 5, 2013 - 12:18 pm
Last week House Republicans voted for the 40th time to repeal Obamacare. Like the previous 39 votes, this action will have no effect whatsoever. But it was a stand-in for what Republicans really want to do: repeal reality, and the laws of arithmetic in particular.
The sad truth is that the modern GOP is lost in fantasy, unable to participate in actual governing.
Just to be clear, I'm not talking about policy substance. I may believe that Republicans have their priorities all wrong, but that's not the issue here. Instead, I'm talking about their apparent inability to accept very basic reality constraints, like the fact that you can't cut overall spending without cutting spending on particular programs, or the fact that voting to repeal legislation doesn't change the law when the other party controls the Senate and the White House.
Am I exaggerating? Consider what went down in Congress last week.
First, House leaders had to cancel planned voting on a transportation bill, because not enough representatives were willing to vote for the bill's steep spending cuts. Now, just a few months ago House Republicans approved an extreme austerity budget, mandating severe overall cuts in federal spending - and each specific bill will have to involve large cuts in order to meet that target.
But it turned out that a significant number of representatives, while willing to vote for hugespending cuts as long as there weren't any specifics, balked at the details. Don't cut you, don't cut me, cut that fellow behind the tree.
Then House leaders announced plans to hold a vote cutting spending on food stamps in half - a demand that is likely to sink the already struggling effort to agree with the Senate on a farm bill.
Then they held the pointless vote on Obamacare, apparently just to make themselves feel better. (It's curious how comforting they find the idea of denying health care to millions of Americans.) And then they went home for recess, even though the end of the fiscal year is looming and hardly any of the legislation needed to run the federal government has passed.
In other words, Republicans, confronted with the responsibilities of governing, essentially threw a tantrum, then ran off to sulk.
How did the GOP get to this point?
On budget issues, the proximate source of the party's troubles lies in the decision to turn the formulation of fiscal policy over to a con man. Rep. Paul Ryan, chairman of the House Budget Committee, has always been a magic-asterisk kind of guy - someone who makes big claims about having a plan to slash deficits, but refuses to spell out any of the all-important details.
Back in 2011 the Congressional Budget Office, in evaluating one of Ryan's plans, came close to open sarcasm; it described the extreme spending cuts Ryan was assuming, then remarked, tersely, "No proposals were specified that would generate that path."
What's happening now is that the GOP is trying to convert Ryan's big talk into actual legislation - and is finding, unsurprisingly, that it can't be done. Yet Republicans aren't willing to face up to that reality. Instead, they're just running away.
When it comes to fiscal policy, then, Republicans have fallen victim to their own con game. And I would argue that something similar explains how the party lost its way, not just on fiscal policy, but on everything.
Think of it this way: For a long time the Republican establishment got its way by playing a con game with the party's base. Voters would be mobilized as soldiers in an ideological crusade, fired up by warnings that liberals were going to turn the country over to gay married terrorists, not to mention taking your hard-earned dollars and giving them to Those People. Then, once the election was over, the establishment would get on with its real priorities - deregulation and lower taxes on the wealthy.
At this point, however, the establishment has lost control. Meanwhile, base voters actually believe the stories they were told - for example, that the government is spending vast sums on things that are a complete waste or at any rate don't do anything for people like them. (Don't let the government get its hands on Medicare!) And the party establishment can't get the base to accept fiscal or political reality without, in effect, admitting to those base voters that they were lied to.
The result is what we see now in the House: a party that, as I said, seems unable to participate in even the most basic processes of governing.
What makes this frightening is that Republicans do, in fact, have a majority in the House, so America can't be governed at all unless a sufficient number of those House Republicans are willing to face reality. And that quorum of reasonable Republicans may not exist.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Great Enemy of the United States is the Republican Party

The Republican Party is paralysis, ignorance, selfishness, blind ambition. self-service, racism, bigotry, greed, and calculated hate and blinding stupidity.  There may be some redundancies here, but if I have left anything out, please tell me.

Modern Paganism Updated

Modern Paganism
J. L. Sanchez
Paganism is a belief in the natural world that man is simply a higher form of animal with no soul or spirit; when man dies, he dies absolutely. Since his existence here on earth is all he has of being, of life, and all he will ever have, he must create a value system for that being to have a meaningful existence.  The basic belief is that, if there are gods, they manifest themselves in nature, and they need no names or forms, but gods are not necessary to paganism; they simply are and need not be worshipped or named.  This pantheism negates the need for ritual and worship because gods are entities not beings.
Paganism is basically a solitary belief which does not need communalism although meeting in groups for fellowship and fraternity are encouraged for social benefits but not necessarily for worship.  Pagans avoid any organization preferring to reflect singly if at all.  Sharing beliefs is not a part of the pagan way, for reflection is personal and best done alone.
Since pagans are closely attuned to the natural world, they are keenly aware of the seasons and personally celebrate the solstices and equinoxes and especially like to celebrate with light during the Winter solstice.  They follow closely the movement of the sun, the phases of the moon and the seasons of the year and become familiar with the stars and constellations and plot their movements.  Pagans practice gardening and enjoy raising their own foods whenever possible living close to the earth.
The term pagan comes from (Middle English, from Late Latin paganus, civilian i. e., not a “soldier of Christ”), from the Latin paganus country-dweller, from pagus, village, country.  So the pagan is outside of organized religion from the beginning. Another definition is “a person who is not a Christian, Moslem or Jew; heathen”.
Nature appears to be highly ordered with an innate plan.  Human behavior has no innate plan and seems to follow the words of T.S. Eliot:  “Wipe your hands across your mouth and laugh; the world revolves like ancient women gathering fuel in vacant lots;” that is, though Nature has a plan, and the human part of that plan is humans must work out their own life plans and that is one of the joys and responsibilities of being human. 
Modern Paganism makes no attempt to incorporate historical paganism or religious beliefs from present or past religions because MP is not a historical movement built on past pagan principles or practices; it is a way of coming to terms with the modern world … without a dogma.
Pagans avoid creeds and do not form credos.  Each pagan relishes finding his own way, his own meaning in the world without proselytizing or explaining.
Paganism is a way of looking at the world and living in the world.  Paganism is inclusive not exclusive and places no judgment on other ways of looking at the world that are not pagan.  Pagans believe their views are one of many and neither better nor worse than any other – the pagan is never judgmental; he believes in living and letting live.  Pagans do not practice paganism; they simply are pagans.
 Monotheism is not an element of paganism.  Pagans believe the force that through the green fuse drives the flowers that Thomas talks about is the same life force in man.  That force that nurtures man ultimately destroyed him; it is called life and is immutable and inexplicable and ought not to be contemplated in depth just accepted.

The force that through the green fuse drives the flower

The force that through the green fuse drives the flower
Drives my green age; that blasts the roots of trees
Is my destroyer.
And I am dumb to tell the crooked rose
My youth is bent by the same wintry fever.

The force that drives the water through the rocks
Drives my red blood; that dries the mouthing streams
Turns mine to wax.
And I am dumb to mouth unto my veins
How at the mountain spring the same mouth sucks.

The hand that whirls the water in the pool
Stirs the quicksand; that ropes the blowing wind
Hauls my shroud sail.
And I am dumb to tell the hanging man
How of my clay is made the hangman's lime.

The lips of time leech to the fountain head;
Love drips and gathers, but the fallen blood
Shall calm her sores.
And I am dumb to tell a weather's wind
How time has ticked a heaven round the stars.

And I am dumb to tell the lover's tomb
How at my sheet goes the same crooked worm.

Paganism is a way of living honestly in the world, puzzling out its mysteries individually without forcing one's beliefs on anyone else.  Pagans do not want to be part of a movement, group or force; they simply want to live their own lives, on their own terms ... privately.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Modern Paganism ... an Update

Modern Paganism

J. L. Sanchez

Paganism is a belief in the natural world that man is simply a higher form of animal with no soul or spirit; when man dies, he dies absolutely. Since his existence here on earth is all he has of being , of life, and all he will ever have, he must create a value system for that being.  The basic belief is that, if there are gods, they manifest themselves in nature, and they need no names or forms, but gods are not necessary to paganism; they simply are and need not be worshipped or named.  This pantheism negates the need for ritual and worship because gods are entities not beings.  Paganism is basically a solitary belief which does not need communalism although meeting in groups for fellowship and fraternity are encouraged for social benefits but not necessarily for worship.  Pagans avoid any organization preferring to reflect singly if at all.  Sharing beliefs is not a part of the pagan way, for reflection is personal and best done solitarily. 
Modern Paganism makes no attempt to incorporate historical paganism or religious beliefs from present or past religions because MP is not a religion and is not a historical movement built on past pagan principles or practices; it is a way of coming to terms with the modern world … without a dogma.
Pagans avoid creeds and do not form credos.  Each pagan relishes finding his own way, his own meaning in the world without proselytizing or explaining.
Paganism is not a religion but a way of looking at the world and living in the world.  Paganism is inclusive not exclusive and places no judgment on other ways of looking at the world that are not pagan.  Pagans believe their views are one of many and neither better nor worse than any other – the pagan is never judgmental; he believes in living and letting live.  Pagans do not practice paganism; they simply are pagans.
 Monotheism is a part of most religions but not for paganism.  Pagans believe the force that through the green fuse drives the flowers that Thomas talks about is the same life force in man.  That force that nurtures man ultimately destroyed him; it is called life and is immutable and inexplicable and ought not to be contemplated in depth just accepted.
The force that through the green fuse drives the flower

The force that through the green fuse drives the flower
Drives my green age; that blasts the roots of trees
Is my destroyer.
And I am dumb to tell the crooked rose
My youth is bent by the same wintry fever.

The force that drives the water through the rocks
Drives my red blood; that dries the mouthing streams
Turns mine to wax.
And I am dumb to mouth unto my veins
How at the mountain spring the same mouth sucks.

The hand that whirls the water in the pool
Stirs the quicksand; that ropes the blowing wind
Hauls my shroud sail.
And I am dumb to tell the hanging man
How of my clay is made the hangman's lime.

The lips of time leech to the fountain head;
Love drips and gathers, but the fallen blood
Shall calm her sores.
And I am dumb to tell a weather's wind
How time has ticked a heaven round the stars.

And I am dumb to tell the lover's tomb
How at my sheet goes the same crooked worm.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

The G.O.P. Bachman Problem

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Vote No to Save America? And by Voting NO You Are Destroying the Greatest Civilization the World Had Ever Known

Vote not on everything as your whole reason for being.  Vote NO on education.  Vote NO on highways.  Vote NO on having a police force to stand against anarchy.  Vote NO on helping those human beings who cannot help themselves.  Vote NO on providing funds to keep our civilization going because the cost of civilization is much too high; democracy is very messy and difficult so Vote NO on living in a civilized society.  Vote NO on gun control because you are too stupid to see that the NRA is the whore for the munitions industry and cares nothing for the Second Amendment that has been perverted by the decision of a Right Wing Once-Supreme Court to define "a well regulated militia " to mean every whacko who can attend a gun show.  Vote NO because you are to stupid to see that voting Republican is indeed voting against your own best interest unless you a billionaire who owns a corporation, which pays no taxes by headquarting offshore in the Cayman Islands, Switzerland or some other tax dodge.

But, the best reason is to Vote NO on the future for your children because you are too stupid to see that your NO vote will severely compromise their futures in every possible way.

Vote NO because you are stupid enough to buy the shuck your leaders feed you.
And your fundamentalist Christians are in the Republican Party because the NeoCons were told by three Presidents to get "boots on the ground' to be listened to so they made deals with your fundamentalist religious leaders who delivered you to the Republican Party, in violation of the separation of Church State Doctrine, in return for some platforms in the Party.  Then when your leaders found out the NeoCons laughed at their willingness to sign all of you on-board  it was too late because you peons could not separate yourselves from being pigeons and are still stuck in the Republican Party, which laughs at and mocks your stupidity while collecting your vote.

So keep Voting NO on everything because you do not have the intelligence to see how your leaders continue to manipulate you with the old saws of Guns, God and Gay.  They will let you keep your guns and talk to God on your behalf and the Gays are the scapegoats for all world evil, which is a very neat lie.

I know I am wasting my time writing this, but I have lots of time.