Thursday, October 25, 2007

A Desperate Plea to Inform Yourself of the Imminent Dangers of Bush and the Neocons

I was born in the tiny ghost town in California in the ominous year Hitler invaded Poland and have always felt America was Paradise, truly the land of the free and the home of the brave. After Bush stole the second election, I truly fear for the survival of our republic. I read articles by his supporters which are so extreme I believe they would vote for Satan if he were the Republican candidate.

With any sort of research, they can inform themselves why he is so bad for the American people. But like him they are non-reading zealots who don’t need facts because their faith leads them to truth. Never has the middle class been so attacked, lied to and used by a US President. We are helpless to show people the truth when they don’t want to know the truth. These uninformed people will be responsible for all of us living in a police state.

Our republic is like Germany was in the late 1930’s when Adolph Hitler was lying to the German people while securing a stranglehold on the government. Like Hitler Bush believes if he repeats a lie often enough people will believe the lie. So far he is correct. People said that the German people, among the most educated and sophisticated on earth, were immune to the persuasions of a madman. Bush and his small circle of neocons are genuine madmen, concerned only with consolidating power and conquering the world through their policy outlined in Project for a New American Century. Like Hitler their dream is of world domination at any cost.

In a Labor campaign speech Bush blatantly lied to the people telling them Kerry will raise taxes on small business and that he will lower taxes. Kerry’s platform clearly states he will lower taxes on small business, but when people refuse to read and inform themselves firsthand they become easy dupes for to the lies of demagoguery. Bush lied about WMD’s, the link between Iraq and 9/11 attack, his service in the Texas National Guard, the cost of Medicare prescriptions for the elderly and succeeds with his lies because his supporters are blindly following him right or wrong.

A friend from the Midwest said all folks there must know is that he is a regular churchgoer. He may be a regular churchgoer, but true Christians do not send a thousand young Americans to their death in Iraq, hundreds more in Afghanistan and thousands of Iraqis and Afghans to the slaughter for a needless war of aggression that only makes sense to corporate America and the neocons - Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Bill Kristol, DonaldRumsfeld and Dubya.

By every measure Bush’s imperialistic wars have made the world less safe for Americans and the rest of the world. Iraq under Saddam was not the center of world terrorism it has now become under Bush. Bush’s is the most hated regime on earth, and we Americans are feeling that hatred worldwide, and this hatred will only grow until we have the wisdom to rid ourselves of this regime. Osama Bin Laden could not have asked for more support for his terrorism than Bush’s policies. Osama is now an asterisk in history because Bush has so united formerly disparate factions into a united terrorism force against America.

Because Bush is so closely allied with the Saudi Royal family, he cannot admit that America’s great enemy in not Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, and North Korea, any of the countries that the neocons plan to invade some time in the future. Bandar “Bush”, the Saudi Minister to the US, promised Dubya he would lower world oil prices before the November election. Not surprisingly, oil prices are coming down. Saudi Arabia will continue to work in harmony with Bush while their government continues to plan the destruction of America. Remember eighteen of the twenty terrorists involved in the 9/11 attack were Saudis – not one Afghan or Iraqi was involved.

Bush couples lies with fear to focus his power. How large must our national debt grow before people wake up? In three years he took our country from a five trillion dollar surplus under Clinton to a five hundred billion dollar deficit that our children and grandchildren must pay for with a diminish life opportunity.

How negatively must our lives and the lives of our offsprings be affected before we wake up? How many civil liberties must Americans lose before people wake up? Freedom of speech, freedom to assembly, freedom to enjoy the Bill of Rights? How many Americans must die in his wars of aggression before people wake up? How many lies must Karl Rove and Dick Cheney concoct for Bush to tell before the people wake up? How many corporate scandals can Bush brush under the rug until the people wake up?

Our only defense against Bush is to learn the truth … ourselves… through research. Will Americans inform themselves and wake up, or will we follow the path of Nazi Germany? Let’s hope that we wake up. If not, the rest, as they say, will be history.

The Real Axis of Evil

Reposted from April 2005

Bush, in his mindless way, dubbed Iraq, Iran and North Korea, the axis of evil, which is a hackneyed phrase as all of his ideas are. The American Heritage Dictionary defines evil as “that which is destructive, corruptive, or fallible whether from natural circumstances, or by human ignorance, error, or design.” The word evil has religious connotations and is not usually used in secular areas such as politics. Since Bush has trouble pronouncing basic words, this subtlety is beyond his purview, and he purports to be a born-again religious person, no longer an alcoholic or drug user, so he uses words like evil.. The real axis of evil, the “human ignorance” part, is within the Bush administration. It is made up of Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, and John Ashcroft.
Bush is a Robin Hood in reverse. He takes money from the poor and gives it to the rich through tax cuts. He gave over 700 billion dollars to his political supporters through this method. He has already given them 1.3 trillion dollars of taxpayer money with his last tax cut. His generosity to his rich friend does not stop there however. Bushites are a cliquey group and love to take care of their own while punishing those who don’t fall in line such as, say, France, Russia and Germany. He used taxpayer money to force a war against Iraq, which no one in the world except America’s bootlick England really wanted. Backward countries such as Spain, Bulgaria, Albania and others supported Bush, knowing he was a vindictive and would throw them a bone for their support which he is currently doing. Not only did he spend about three hundred billion tax dollars destroying one of the weakest regimes on earth and killing over fifty- three thousand Iraqi men, women and children, which is hard to label any other way except to call it mass murder, but he then without competitive bidding gave the contracts to rebuild the country he destroyed to his friends in Bechtel, Schlumberger Ltd., KRW, a subsidiary of Halliburton and other chief political donors. Wasn’t Dick Cheney, the stealth VP of the US, who cannot stand up to the light of day, the same man that almost destroyed Halliburton when he was CEO with his asbestos contracts, yet was still able to rip-off millions and is still on the payroll before he left to “serve the people.”
By any definition what Bush did and is doing ought to be termed evil. Yet he continually cheerleads for more taxpayer money for his friends. Cheerleading is the only skill Dubya was trained for in school, and one must admit he does it well to get so many Americans to naively follow him as he makes his regime the most hated on earth, and the most hated regime in our country’s history, and we Americans the most hated people on earth. You got to hand it to Karl Rove, Bush’s Brain, to be able to shove Bush down the throats of the people. He has to be a good ole boy. He should be the Republican Man of the Century … what a distinction!

Then Bush drags out of oblivion a dinosaur from his Papa’s era with all the hate and meanness of an SS officer forced to leave Argentina to return to Post-War Germany and makes him the Attorney General of the United States of America, the head cop in the country. John lost his senatorial election to a dead man and that has really made him mad so he’s taking it out on the American people by implementing the Homeland Security Act, the infamous USA Patriot Act (which you can download from and the incredible Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003, all designed to strip the American people of their civil liberties under the guise of protecting them from the people that Dubya’s policies have rightfully made to despise his regime and by association the American people. It is not difficult to imagine the tight-jawed, mean- faced John Ashcroft wearing the uniform of the SS, with the skull and crossbones on his collar. That uniform is the most appropriate garb for a creature of his evil nature. Because he sometimes treats us like the enemy, it is easy to believe he is truly depraved.
Remember Julius Caesar’s warning;

“ And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar.”

These are very frightening words which are proving prophetic. Dubya wraps himself in the red, white and blue so he can reward his friends with taxpayer money and tax breaks. If you don’t support Dubya, you’re not supporting the troops and are therefore an evil un-American.

Completing the axis of evil is happy Donald Rumsfeld, the control freak who ruthlessly directed the slaughter of defenseless Iraqis using the greatest military might the world has ever known, smiling all the while, and then Dubya-like swaggered and smirked, as only an old, impotent men can do, and called the massacre a great victory. His war was very similar to the wars the US carried out against the helpless American Indian – the wars were called wars, but they were really massacres, which is what the Iraq war was in truth.

He did not need a plan to destroy Iraq because of our great unparalleled military might, and he did not have a plan. He did not have a plan to rebuild either Afghanistan or Iraq and that is why they are dangerous places with rampant anarchy and lawlessness, unfit for human habitation. He also lacks an exit strategy. Even though one of the several reasons of the week Bush gave for invading these countries was to “free the people”, when finding weapons of mass destruction did not fly, and still does not fly because none have been found nor will be found because there were none, they are less likely to have a future with the Bushites directing rebuilding because their primary concern is how they can corral the oil monies not with giving these people the right of self-determination or “democratic freedoms”. When people say that which is not true they are called liars; when they kill thousands of people they are called mass murderers; when they steal elections and money from the US Treasury, they are called thieves.

So then, the real axis of evil as defined by their actions is Bush, the cheerleader who robs the poor and gives to the rich, all the time using th taxpayers money as his own box of chocolates, while wrapping himself in the flag and peddling untruths to the American people.
Then there is John Ashcroft, the regime member in charge of repealing civil liberties while reforming torts out of existence so corporate America can further exploit the taxpayer.
And finally there is Rumsfeld, the smiling killer of dark-skinned people for the purpose of providing them with “democratic” freedoms.
These three combine to threaten the very foundations of American democracy while professing to bring democracy to Afghanistan and Iraq. These three have combined to made their regime hated by the world, and the American people the most hated society on earth. They feel that the American public is so benighted that they can act with impunity. The American public knows exactly what they are doing and will ultimately hold them accountable for their behavior. They cannot fool all the people all the time. Americans have the insight to discern truth from falsehood. These are three very likeable fellas if one does not have a mind, a conscience or a hope for the future of mankind.

Be the Person You Were Meant To Be

Because Christians believe they are born depraved, they feel somehow unworthy of living a good life without the guidance of a higher authority. Christians therefore make themselves easy prey to the predators in society hiding in the trappings of politicians and clergymen, who tell them if they surrender their lives to them, if they follow their directives, if they vote for them, they will protect them and watch out for their well-being.

Christians are filled with fear, and fear prompts them to surrender their lives to people who lie to them and tell them they will be safe in their hands. Their faith in a supernatural being creates the blindness that allows other to take advantage of Christians. The Republican Party professes to have God on their side and uses fear to recruit the frightened and the confused. The party then uses their votes to enrich the life of the wealthy.

Thousands followed George W. Bush because he purports to be a man of God when nothing in his life except his words gave evidence that he was. He is just another exploiting snake oil salesman preying on the frightened. Millions turn their free will over to churches that make decisions for them and promise bliss on earth and heaven in the afterlife while fleecing them and taking advantage of them and their families, all for a price. Looked at straight on, church and politicians are really businesses that need income to survive.

Without the innate belief in their own depravity, without its accompanying paralyzing fear, these people could accept the responsibility for their own lives, see with their own eyes, understand and interpret with their own minds what is best for them and for humanity generally, and make very good, even enlightened decisions.
No one needs a middleman, a broker to lead a good life. That is why we have a heart capable of compassion and love. Yet we see that the world needs changing.

Most agree that the world is a mess, and most fret that the individual can do nothing to make the world a better place, but they are misguided. Most believe that one person cannot make a difference. One person can make a difference. One person has always been the catalyst for change. Alexander the Great started as just a man and conquered the entire known world. Jesus changed the world without writing a word or traveling the world. . Mahatma Gandhi developed civil disobedience and gained freedom for his country and its millions. Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Idi Ami and George W. Bush instilled great evil on humanity. One person can make a difference. Cindy Sheehan is doing what no one else could do … awakening the nation to the evil that is George W. Bush and the lies and phoniness his Oil Field Wars are based on. Her only question to Bush is, “What is the noble cause my son died for?” And since he has no answer for her, he runs but he cannot hide. Cindy made a difference and so can you. How?

People look at the world and think the mess so overwhelming they become paralyzed and believe that nothing they do will make a difference. The world is changed one small act of love and compassion at a time. People must cooperate not compete for power over their fellows. We all live on the same planet, we all want to live the good live and the good life is a life of helping others. To the degree that we help others, we are correspondingly human. The only valid index of the good life is how much we help other people.

Each person must decide what kind of world he wants his children to live in and then do what he can to start shaping that world. Other people will start doing these small acts of compassion and love and shortly the world that the individual have influenced will become that better world. Then these small acts combine to create the most powerful force on each … an idea whose time has come, and then the world is changed for the better.

Cindy Sheehan has changed the world for the better and thousands are following her lead because they believe her behavior will make a better world by withdrawing from Iraq. She is one person. You are one person. You can make a difference but, to do so, you must act, you must do these small acts that you believe will make the world better for you, your children and your grandchildren and their grandchildren. The capitalistic culture of competition must give way to the older tribal culture of cooperation that for thousands of years has enabled indigenous cultures to create sustainable lifestyles that do not destroy the planet or their fellows. Capitalistic cultures can no longer be allowed to thrive at the expense of cooperative cultures and the natural resources of our planet.

The Iraq Oil War is one example of how the US has used its power for aggression by invading a weak sovereign state for its oil (despite the lies the Bushites will tell us) because the US consumes more oil than it can produce. Bush used the power of the US to depose the democratically elected leader of Haiti. He is threatening war with Iran because Iran may be building nuclear weapons which we possess by the thousands. Power cultures use violence to achieve their goals and destroy sovereign states and their people in order to get what they want. Power cultures’ morality is might makes right. Bush invaded Iraq not because the invasion was moral or legal, it was not, but because he had the power to.

People are not born depraved just because religion says we are. People are born good capable compassion and love. If they become evil, it is caused by the corporate power elite exploiting them, using them, enslaving them. If each person knows he is a creature with compassion and love, then he believes that others are like him, and he learns to cooperate, to share and not to violently strive for power over his fellows

Each of us must know that there is something so sacred within us that we cannot allow it to be trampled on by anyone and, when it is, we must resist with every ounce of our being and allow the love and freedom within to flourish and bloom.

People must rebel against the slavery that our society tries to impose on us. Rebel against a condition you feel is unjust and limiting. Camus’ words apply now more than ever, “What is a rebel? A man who say no, but whose refusal does not imply a renunciation. He is also a man who says yes, from the moment he makes his first gesture of rebellion.”
Become a rebel by living the thinking life.

Bush's Blood Lust Cult
QUOTE OF THE CENTURY: "If you don't think it's a gamble to put a man in the White House who believes we should have guns in church, who thinks the Taliban is a rock band, who was such a failure as a businessman that his company was nicknamed "El-Busto," who wants to turn our Social Security system into a Wall Street boiler room, who can't name a single thing he disagrees with Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson on, who smeared a bona fide hero named John McCain, and whose principle policy proposal is to give America's surplus to the idle rich in the form of a $1.3 trillion tax cut, you're either nuts or a Republican."... Equal Time co-host Paul Begala, shooting the bull.

Before you read the below article, think about the following: when the president first heard about the planes that crashed into the two trade center towers and the pentagon, instead of being horrified at the prospect of facing the survivors families and consoling them, he excitedly said: "I hit the trifecta" (this is a reference to a bet that you make at a horse race where you bet on the top three horses and they all come in.) This is a reference to the two planes that hit the twin towers of the World Trade Center and the one plane that hit the Pentagon.
April 22, 2003
George W. Bush proclaims himself a born-again Christian. However, Bush and fellow self-anointed neo-Christians like House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, John Ashcroft, and sports arena Book of Revelations carnival hawker Franklin Graham appear to wallow in a "Christian" blood lust cult when it comes to practicing the teachings of the founder of Christianity. This cultist form of Christianity, with its emphasis on death rather than life, is also worrying the leaders of mainstream Christian religions, particularly the Pope.
One only has to check out Bush's record as Governor of Texas to see his own preference for death over life. During his tenure as Governor, Bush presided over a record setting 152 executions, including the 1998 execution of fellow born-again Christian Karla Faye Tucker, a convicted murderer who later led a prison ministry. Forty of Bush's executions were carried out in 2000, the year the Bush presidential campaign was spotlighting their candidate's strong law enforcement record. The Washington Post's Richard Cohen reported in October 2000 that one of the execution chamber's "tie-down team" members, Fred Allen, had to prepare so many people for lethal injections during 2000, he quit his job in disgust.
Bush mocked Tucker's appeal for clemency. In an interview with Talk magazine, Bush imitated Tucker's appeal for him to spare her life - pursing his lips, squinting his eyes, and in a squeaky voice saying, "Please don't kill me." That went too far for former GOP presidential candidate Gary Bauer, himself an evangelical Christian. "I think it is nothing short of unbelievable that the governor of a major state running for president thought it was acceptable to mock a woman he decided to put to death," said Bauer.
A former Texas Department of Public Safety officer, a devout Roman Catholic, told this reporter that evidence to the contrary, Bush was more than happy to ignore DNA data and documented cases of prosecutorial misconduct to send innocent people to the Huntsville, Texas lethal injection chamber. He said the number of executed mentally retarded, African Americans, and those who committed capital crimes as minors was proof that Bush was insensitive and a "phony Christian." When faced with similar problems in Illinois, Governor George Ryan, a Republican, commuted the death sentences of his state's death row inmates and released others after discovering they were wrongfully convicted. Yet the Republican Party is pillorying Ryan and John Ashcroft's Justice Department continues to investigate the former Governor for political malfeasance as if Bush and Ashcroft are without sin in such matters. Hypocrisy certainly rules in the Republican Party.
Bush's blood lust has been extended across the globe. He has given the CIA authority to assassinate those deemed a threat to U.S. national interests. Bush has virtually suspended Executive Orders 11905 (Gerald Ford), 12306 (Jimmy Carter), and 12333 (Ronald Reagan) which prohibit the assassination of foreign leaders. Bush's determination to kill Saddam Hussein, his family, and his top leaders with precision-guided missiles and tactical nuclear weapon-like Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB) bombs is yet another indication of Bush's disregard for his Republican and Democratic predecessors. It now appears that in his zeal to kill Hussein, innocent civilian patrons of a Baghdad restaurant were killed by one of Bush's precision Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAMs). Like it or not, Saddam Hussein was recognized by over 100 nations as the leader of Iraq -- a member state of the United Nations. Hussein, like North Korea' Kim Jong Il, Syria's Bashir Assad, and Iran's Mohammed Khatami, are covered by Executive Order 12333, which the Bush mouthpieces claim is still in effect. Bush's "Christian" blood cult sees no other option than death for those who become his enemies. This doctrine is found no place in Christian theology.
Bush has not once prayed for the innocent civilians who died as a result of the U.S. attack on Iraq. He constantly "embeds" himself with the military at Goebbels-like speech fests and makes constant references to God when he refers to America's "victory" in Iraq, as if God endorses his sordid killing spree. He makes no mention of the children, women, and old men killed by America's "precision-guided" missiles and bombs and trigger-happy U.S. troops. In fact, Bush revels in indiscriminate blood letting. Since he never experienced such killing in Southeast Asia, when he was AWOL from his Texas Air National Guard unit, Bush just does not seem to understand the horror of a parent watching one's children having their heads and limbs blown off in a sudden blast of shrapnel or children witnessing their parents burning to death with their own body fat nurturing the flames.
Bush and his advisers, previously warned that Iraq's ancient artifacts and collection of historical documents and books were in danger of being looted or destroyed, instead, sat back while the Baghdad and Mosul museums and Baghdad Library were ransacked and destroyed. Cult leaders have historically attempted to destroy history in order to invent their own. The Soviets tried to obliterate Russia's Orthodox traditions, turning a number of churches into warehouses and animal barns. Cambodia's Pol Pot tried to wipe out Buddhism's famed Angkor Wat shrine in an attempt to stamp out his country's Buddhist history. In March 2001, while they were negotiating with the Bush administration on a natural gas pipeline, Afghanistan's Taliban blew up two massive 1600-year old Buddhas in Bamiyan. The Bush administration, itself run by fanatic religious cultists, barely made a fuss about the loss of the relics. It would not be the first time the cultists within the Bush administration ignored the pillaging of history's treasures.
The ransacking of Iraq's historical treasures is explainable when one considers what the blood cult Christians really think about Islam. Franklin Graham, the heir to the empire built up by his anti-Semitic father, Billy Graham, has decided being anti-Muslim is far more financially rewarding than being anti-Jewish. Billy Graham, history notes from the Nixon tapes, complained about the Jewish stranglehold on the media and Jews being responsible for pornography.
Franklin Graham continues to enjoy his father's unfettered and questionable access to the White House. But in the case of Bush, the younger Graham has a fanatic adherent. Graham has called Islam a "very evil and wicked" religion. He then announces he wants to go to Iraq. Graham obviously sees an opportunity to convert Muslims and unrepentant Eastern Christians, who owe their allegiance to Roman and Greek prelates, to his perverted form of blood cult Christianity. Graham says he is ready to send his Samaritan's Purse missionaries into Iraq to provide assistance. Muslims and mainstream Christians are wary that Graham wants to exchange food, water, and medicine for the baptism of Iraqis into his intolerant brand of Christianity. In the last Gulf War, Graham could not get away with his chicanery. The Desert Storm Commander, General Norman Schwarzkopf, stopped dead in the tracks Graham's plan to send 30,000 Arabic language Bibles to U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia. Today's Pentagon shows no such compunction to put a rein on Graham. It invited him to give a Good Friday sermon at the Pentagon to the consternation of the Defense Department's Muslim employees. To make matters worse, under Bush's "Faith Based Initiative," Graham's Samaritan's Purse stands to receive U.S. government funds for its proselytizing efforts in Iraq, something that should be an affront to every American taxpayer.
Bush's self-proclaimed adherence to Christianity (during one of the presidential debates he said Jesus Christ was his favorite "philosopher") and his constant reference to a new international structure bypassing the United Nations system and long-standing international treaties are worrying the top leadership of the Roman Catholic Church. Well-informed sources close to the Vatican report that Pope John Paul II is growing increasingly concerned about Bush's ultimate intentions. The Pope has had experience with Bush's death fetish. Bush ignored the Pope's plea to spare the life of Karla Faye Tucker. To show that he was similarly ignorant of the world's mainstream religions, Bush also rejected an appeal to spare Tucker from the World Council of Churches - an organization that represents over 350 of the world's Protestant and Orthodox Churches. It did not matter that Bush's own Methodist Church and his parents' Episcopal Church are members of the World Council.
Bush's blood lust, his repeated commitment to Christian beliefs, and his constant references to "evil doers," in the eyes of many devout Catholic leaders, bear all the hallmarks of the one warned about in the Book of Revelations - the anti-Christ. People close to the Pope claim that amid these concerns, the Pontiff wishes he was younger and in better health to confront the possibility that Bush may represent the person prophesized in Revelations. John Paul II has always believed the world was on the precipice of the final confrontation between Good and Evil as foretold in the New Testament. Before he became Pope, Karol Cardinal Wojtyla said, "We are now standing in the face of the greatest historical confrontation humanity has gone through. I do not think that wide circles of the American society or wide circles of the Christian community realize this fully. We are now facing the final confrontation between the Church and the anti-Church, of the Gospel versus the anti-Gospel."
The Pope, who grew up facing the evils of Hitler and Stalin, knows evil when he sees it. Although we can all endlessly argue over the Pope's effectiveness in curtailing abuses within his Church, his accomplishments external to Catholicism are impressive.
According to journalists close to the Vatican, the Pope and his closest advisers are also concerned that the ultimate acts of evil - the September 11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon - were known in advance by senior Bush administration officials. By permitting the attacks to take their course, there is a perception within the Roman Catholic Church hierarchy that a coup d'etat was implemented, one that gave Bush and his leadership near-dictatorial powers to carry out their agenda.
The Pope worked tirelessly to convince leaders of nations on the UN Security Council to oppose Bush's war resolution on Iraq. Vatican sources claim they had not seen the Pope more animated and determined since he fell ill to Parkinson's Disease. In the end, the Pope did convince the leaders of Mexico, Chile, Cameroon, and Guinea to oppose the U.S. resolution. If one were to believe in the Book of Revelations, as the Pope fervently does, he can seek solace in scoring a symbolic victory against the Bush administration. Whether Bush represents a dangerous right-wing ideologue who couples his political fanaticism with a neo-Christian blood cult (as I believe) or he is either the anti-Christ or heralds one, the Pope should know he has fought the good battle and has gained the respect and admiration of many non-Catholics around the world.

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The Religious Freedom Coalition of the Southeast (RFCSE) is a non-advocacy Religious site paid for with volunteer labor and edited by Rebecca, a non-affiliated U.S. citizen. The RFCSE site is being hosted by the Association of Cymry Wicca, a religious organization based in Marietta GA, the RFCSE Web site was published beginning on February 1, 1999. No Permission is required by the RFCSE, for reprinting. But permission by originating authors may be needed. The duration of the working links are not under our control. RFCSE has not reviewed all of the sites linked to our site and is not responsible for the content of any off-site pages or any other sites linked to our site. Your linking to any other off-site pages or other sites from our site is at your own risk.
Our Original Web Master, an associate died after a threat from a Hacker who did not appreciate Religious Freedom. Before she died, she asked us to continue her Religious Freedom Page. We will. Even though we have been attacked by Right Wing extremists, we still exist because of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, who were deists (not Christians), helped frame the Constitution of The United States of American and placed language in the First Amendment to guarantee Religious Rights for all Americans. We will uphold that tradition.

For information on all individuals and organizations listed in this website, or the name of a contact person in your area that can
Bush always chooses death over life.
We are now facing thefinal confrontation between the Church and theanti-Church, of the Gospel versus the anti-Gospel."The Pope, who grew up facing the evils of Hitler andStalin, knows evil when he sees it.
Bush executed 152 people during his tenure as governor of Texas, one of which was the execution of fellow born-again Christian Karla Faye Tucker, to to spotlight his strong law enforcement record. The Washington Post's Richard Cohen reported in October 2000 that one of the execution chamber's "tie-down team" members, Fred Allen, had to prepare so many people for lethal injections during 2000, he quit his job in disgust.
Bush mocked Tucker's appeal for clemency. In an interview with Talk magazine, Bush imitated Tucker's appeal for him to spare her life - pursing his lips, squinting his eyes, and in a squeaky voice saying, "Please don't kill me." He executed her.

He said the number of executed mentally retarded, African Americans, and those who committed capital crimes as minors was proof that Bush was insensitive and a "phony Christian."

Now with four million children lacking health insurance, Bush vetoes S-CHIP which is a form of execution for them.

He has given the CIA authority to assassinate those deemed a threat to U.S. national interests. Bush has virtually suspended Executive Orders 11905 (Gerald Ford), 12306 (Jimmy Carter), and 12333 (Ronald Reagan) which prohibit the assassination of foreign leaders.
Finally, it should be obvious to everyone what many already know. Bush’s blood lust puts no value on human life or suffering. If he did, he would withdraw our suffering troop from a pointless war, reauthorize executive orders prohibiting
He has given the CIA authority to assassinate those deemed a threat to U.S. national interests. Bush has virtually suspended Executive Orders 11905 (Gerald Ford), 12306 (Jimmy Carter), and 12333 (Ronald Reagan) which prohibit the assassination of foreign leaders foreign leaders, and provide health coverage for our poorest children. Any human being would do so.
He has given the CIA authority to assassinate those deemed a threat to U.S. national interests. Bush has virtually suspended Executive Orders 11905 (Gerald Ford), 12306 (Jimmy Carter), and 12333 (Ronald Reagan) which prohibit the assassination of foreign leaders.

Pope John Paul II said,”We are now facing thefinal confrontation between the Church and theanti-ChWe are now facing thefinal confrontation between the Church and theanti-Church, of the Gospel versus the anti-Gospel."The Pope, who grew up facing the evils of Hitler andStalin, knows evil when he sees it.urch, of the Gospel versus the anti-Gospel."The Pope, who grew up facing the evils of Hitler andStalin, knows evil when he sees it.

Bush's Shadow Army

Impeach Bush

Bush lied, Thousands Died.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Bush's Attack is on Our System of Common Law

Bush’s attack on our moral system is most pointedly an attack on our common law. When morality dissolves as it has under Bush, people turn to law and that is where they come into direct conflict with Bush. When law is altered for personal benefit as Bush has done, culture and society waver on the brink of chaos. Sir Thomas More, in conflict with another tyrant, Henry VIII, said, “God made the angels to show Him splendor – as He made animals for innocence and plants for their simplicity. But man He made to serve Him wittily, in the tangle of his mind.” Our minds then tell us that authority (Bush) is wrong, that we must rely on of our sense of right and wrong to protect us from Bush’s immorality, in order to live morally with virtue and truth. Our nation must regain its morality and the rule of law if the US is to survive. Bush must be resisted individually and collectively by Americans and the world.

Each Person Acting Individually Can Save Our Country from the Bush Nightmare

Bush’s attack on the rule of law is a direct attack on the idea that is America. His attack is at the essence of democracy, that which makes us a free people, once admired by the world. His signing statements and disdain for our legal system as shown by creating his own laws for the treatment of those he terms enemy combatants will guarantee the permanent destruction of the American way of life. Bush must be removed from office immediately because his actions are also galvanizing the Muslim world to destroy America, while he undermines the fabric of our society.
Instead of protecting our country, his wars provide real motivation to unite our enemies against us. Bush has made us the most hated nation on earth. We must give the Democrats support and courage to impeach Bush by taking to the streets by the millions and demonstrating across the nation … like the French do to show that the people not Bush have the power. Not wonder Bush hates the French. When Bush fears the people of America … really fears the people … impeachment then can begin. Massive demonstrations are the only way the people can take back their power from this tyrant. The people took back their freedom from another mad King George in 1776; the people, individuals, howling their outrage in the streets like angry wolves is the only way to save America. The people must have the courage to leave their comfort zones and rage their anger in the streets one individual at a time until the streets are filled with millions of Americans who love their country. Only the people, one individual at a time, acting courageously, can save our beloved country from the Bush nightmare continuing

The People Must Take to the Streets and Demand Impeachment

Bush’s attack on the rule of law is a direct attack on the idea that is America. His attack is at the essence of democracy, that which makes us a free people, once admired by the world. His signing statements and disdain for our legal system as shown by creating his own laws for the treatment of those he terms enemy combatants will guarantee the permanent destruction of the American way of life. Bush must be removed from office immediately because his actions are also galvanizing the Muslim world to destroy America. Instead of protecting our country, his wars provide real motivation to unite our enemies against us. Bush has made us the most hated nation on earth. We must give the Democrats support and courage to impeach Bush by taking to the streets by the millions and demonstrating across the nation … like the French do to show that the people not Bush have the power. Not wonder Bush hates the French. When Bush fears the people of America … really fears the people … impeachment then can begin. Massive demonstrations are the only way the people can take back their power from this tyrant. The people took back their freedom from another mad King George in 1776; the people, individuals, howling their outrage in the streets like angry wolves is the only way to save America. The people must have the courage to leave their comfort zones and rage their anger in the streets one individual at a time until the streets are filled with millions of Americans who love their country. Only the people, one individual at a time can save our beloved country. We must help the Democrats take advantage of this Republican madness by calling for impeachment with demonstrations in the streets across the nation -- like the French do. No wonder this administration hates the French. When the Bushites fear the people, impeachment really starts. Massive demonstrations are the quickest ways to take back the government. We took back our government from another mad King George in 1776; we, the people, can do it

Bush Steals from the People and Gives Their Money to the Rich

Bush represents such an attack on our country it is impossible to focus on what is the worst. But one of the worst is his destruction of the US Treasury by privatization, which is simply the process of giving taxpayers’ money to cronies for their support. The military and most government functions have been privatized in Iraq with Blackwater simply the most obvious catastrophe. Halliburton and Bechtel have left Iraq with their billions for other US feeding troughs before the sleeping US public discovered their treacheries. Cronyism in Iraq is rampant.NCLB is another attempt to implement vouchers by taking over “non-performing public schools” and eventually closing them so more taxpayers money can be funneled to private (religious) schools. With a ten trillions dollar debt growing larger by the second, what wealthy person would not funnel contributions to Bush to continue his Rape of the United States by giving the taxpayers money directly to the rich? Then he provides a tax cut, which he is trying to make permanent, to the wealthy which costs the taxpayers 3.4 trillion dollars more. Bush represents the complete triumphs of the top 1% of the wealthy over everyone else. Long live the Republican Party.

Bush is the Most Successful Privateering President in History

Bush’s privatization of just about everything in our government makes him the most successful neo-conservative president in history. Neo-cons want to turn the US into an empire to extend American domination over the world’s oil supplies for American corporate power and profit. Mussolini defined fascism as the union of government with corporations; Bush has achieved Mussolini’s vision by privatizing the Iraq War from those who wash dishes to Blackwater mercenaries who kill for money with impunity.
Bush drains the US Treasury while funneling taxpayers’ money to corporate America. Halliburton and Bechtel left Iraq with their billions before the sleeping American public discovered their treacheries. Blackwater has taken over $950 million in no-bid government contracts.No Child Left Behind is another attempt to privatize public education. "Non-performing public schools" will be closed and run by religious organizations and corporations paid for by the taxpayers.With a $10-trillion debt growing larger by the second, what wealthy neocons would not support Bush? For them he provided a tax cut, which he is trying to make permanent, which costs the taxpayers $3.4 trillion more while almost no American corporations pay taxes.Bush represents the complete triumph of the top 1 percent of the wealthy over everyone else, the triumph of American fascism.

The GOP Has Earned the Careful Scrutiny of the People

The GOP Has Earned the Careful Scrutiny of the People

Bob Herbert writes in The Ugly Side of the GOP, “… what I would like to see is 1 million angry protesters marching on the headquarters of the National Republican Party in Washington. The GOP has spent the last 40 years insulting, disenfranchising and otherwise stomping on the interests of Black Americans.”

“In 1981, during the first year of Reagan’s presidency, the late Lee Atwater gave an interview … explaining the evolution of the Southern strategy: You start out in 1954 by saying, Nigger, nigger, nigger. By 1968, you can’t say ‘nigger,’ – that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states’ rights and all that stuff. You’re getting so abstract now (that) you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things, and a byproduct of them is (that) blacks get hurt worse than whites.” Atwater’s Southern strategy now has been broadened in scope and application here in California.

One example is the Republican attempt to proportionally divide California’s Electoral votes in this heavily Democratic state to increase Republican presidential chances. To date, Republicans lack the money to continue with this initiative which bypasses the legislature by going directly to the people with obfuscation, but Republicans deserve watching. Their purpose is to increase Republican power at the expense of the people.

Because Republicans are heavily outnumbered in California, voters should focus the real scrutiny on predominantly Republican counties like Placer County, said to be the state’s most Republican County. Placer’s Republican Party has taken over the Board of Trustees of Sierra College by putting three far right men, Aaron Klein, Jerry Simmons and Scott Leslie--who really do not support public education--on the board simply to increase GOP spower. The Placer County Board of Supervisors appointed Kirk Uhler to keep the board all Republicans. The purpose of this appointment was to increase Republican power at the expense of the people.

Another example is Tom Hudson, Placer County Republican Chairman, who personifies the extremes to which the Republican Party, with waning general support, will go to retain power in Placer County. He’s making the race card through immigrant bashing the top issue of Republicans in the next election. He wrote that “hammering on illegal immigrants -–no earned legal status ever, no guest workers--is the greatest issue the party can embrace to earn future votes. Greater than no new taxes.” Mr. Hudson is continuing Atwater’s Southern strategy in Placer County. Mr.. Hudson’s purpose is to increase Republican power at the expense of the people.

Congressman John T. Doolittle, currently under investigation by the Washington, DC, Grand Jury, is now playing the Atwater’s race card with his H.R. 480 (Prohibition on Issuing Mortgages to Non-citizens) to deny undocumented workers the right to secure mortgages to buy homes. HR 480 is a red herring because undocumented workers cannot buy homes on the meager pay they receive from California employers, many of whom break the law to employ them. Congressman Doolittle is legislating to increase Republican power at the expense of the people.

People must carefully examine whatever the Republican Party does to see if its purpose is to increase the power of the Republican Party at the expense of the people. The Republican Party over the last 40 years, by bashing the rights of all Americans … not just blacks, has earned the close scrutiny of the people in every move it makes.

The Police wrote the operative words for people to use toward the Republican Party: “I’ll be watching you, every move you make, every breath you take, I’ll be watching you,” to see that the people, not just the Republican Party, are being served.

Bob Herbert, “The Ugly Side of the GOP,” SacBee , Sept. 28, 2007

David Whitney, “Doolittle Records Subpoenaed,”, SacBee, Sept. 28, 2007

Placer conservative Agenda,” Larry S. DuBois, Loomis News, April 14, 2006

Erica Werner, Associated Press Writer, “Doolittle defends votes against House ethics bills”, Auburn Journal, Friday, June 8, 2007

Greg Gordon, ”States’ New Laws Help GOP Raise a Voter Challenges, SacBee, Sept. 27, 2007
MICHAEL R. BLOOD - Associated Press Writer, “Bid to change Calif. vote rules stalls,” SacBee
Susan Ferriss - Bee Staff Writer Competing voices in GOP on immigrant laborers, September 7, 2007

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Bush Hates People

To spotlight his strong law enforcement record, Bush executed 152 people while governor of Texas. Black fellow born-again Christian Karla Faye Tucker pleaded for clemency. In an interview with Talk magazine, Bush mocked Tucker's appeal for him to spare her life - pursing his lips, squinting his eyes, and in a squeaky voice saying, "Please don't kill me."
He executed her.

The Washington Post's Richard Cohen reported that an execution chamber's "tie-down team" member, Fred Allen, had to prepare so many people, many of them retarded, minorities, and minors for lethal injections during 2000, he quit his job in disgust.

Now with four million children lacking basic health insurance, Bush vetoes S-CHIP in effect executing many children by denying them the same medical care the American people provide him. Bush puts no value on human life or suffering. If he did, he would have saved countless lives by withdrawing our troops from his pointless war and by providing health coverage for our poorest children. Bush supports the war but not poor children. He gave the CIA authority to assassinate. He chooses death over life. He is the US president. What do these facts say about the American people?