Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Bush Steals from the People and Gives Their Money to the Rich

Bush represents such an attack on our country it is impossible to focus on what is the worst. But one of the worst is his destruction of the US Treasury by privatization, which is simply the process of giving taxpayers’ money to cronies for their support. The military and most government functions have been privatized in Iraq with Blackwater simply the most obvious catastrophe. Halliburton and Bechtel have left Iraq with their billions for other US feeding troughs before the sleeping US public discovered their treacheries. Cronyism in Iraq is rampant.NCLB is another attempt to implement vouchers by taking over “non-performing public schools” and eventually closing them so more taxpayers money can be funneled to private (religious) schools. With a ten trillions dollar debt growing larger by the second, what wealthy person would not funnel contributions to Bush to continue his Rape of the United States by giving the taxpayers money directly to the rich? Then he provides a tax cut, which he is trying to make permanent, to the wealthy which costs the taxpayers 3.4 trillion dollars more. Bush represents the complete triumphs of the top 1% of the wealthy over everyone else. Long live the Republican Party.


At 6:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only way to stop Bush is impeachement!


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