Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Bush is the Most Successful Privateering President in History

Bush’s privatization of just about everything in our government makes him the most successful neo-conservative president in history. Neo-cons want to turn the US into an empire to extend American domination over the world’s oil supplies for American corporate power and profit. Mussolini defined fascism as the union of government with corporations; Bush has achieved Mussolini’s vision by privatizing the Iraq War from those who wash dishes to Blackwater mercenaries who kill for money with impunity.
Bush drains the US Treasury while funneling taxpayers’ money to corporate America. Halliburton and Bechtel left Iraq with their billions before the sleeping American public discovered their treacheries. Blackwater has taken over $950 million in no-bid government contracts.No Child Left Behind is another attempt to privatize public education. "Non-performing public schools" will be closed and run by religious organizations and corporations paid for by the taxpayers.With a $10-trillion debt growing larger by the second, what wealthy neocons would not support Bush? For them he provided a tax cut, which he is trying to make permanent, which costs the taxpayers $3.4 trillion more while almost no American corporations pay taxes.Bush represents the complete triumph of the top 1 percent of the wealthy over everyone else, the triumph of American fascism.


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