Doolittle Hides Behind His Wife?
Doolittle’s lawyer said of the FBI search of his home, “The congressman continues to be supportive of his wife Julie and believes that the truth ultimately will prevail.” An LDS wife is always supportive of her husband’s leadership and does what he tells her to do to, serve as a model for the children and others. Whatever Julie Doolittle did, she did to support her husband at his insistence. For Doolittle to attempt to shift blame to his wife is a further insight into his hollow core as a husband and human being. The FBI search of Julie’s business records of her company Sierra Dominion Financial Services is not an attempt to indict Julie; it is an attempt to link Doolittle directly with Jack Abramoff’s corruption and the Northern Marianna’s sex slave scandal. Doolittle has fooled most of the people most of the time. For Doolittle to believe that the end of the FBI search is a conviction of his wife Julie is a measure of his desperation and foolhardiness to maintain a fiction, and, if he truly believes “the truth will ultimately prevail”, then he knows what most people already know: Doolittle is finally a dead man walking.
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