Sunday, April 29, 2007

Doolittle's Pool of Corruption

Global warming is melting the Doolittle glacier, which is starting to … drip, drip … turning his ice into clear water, reflecting the sunlight of truth, at the bottom of his cliff, slowly filling up the reflecting pool of corruption into which a continuing list of Republicans (George Bush, Paul Wolfowitz, Alberto Gonzalez, Kevin Ring, Jerry Lewis, Rick Renzi) may see their own images. What Doolittle sees is the reflection of his corruption and failed attempts at personal aggrandizement, so clear, so prominent in features that no one can miss seeing that he and this administration, misled by The Great Liar, should do one decent thing and resign for the welfare of their party, their constituents, the nation and the world.

This pool of corruption is a temporal mirror for Doolittle, and then turns into a maelstrom that sucks him to the dark, nether regions of history he so richly earned and deserves. Getting elected to office has nothing to do with statesmanship (honorableness). The Doolittle glacier will continue to melt as long as the heat continues to rise, his global warming continues raising the heat. Doolittle will be only a sad footnote in history, who only hurt people.


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