Friday, April 06, 2007

Bush's Taxpayer Funded Marauding, Guerilla Army

Bush’s private army of 100,000 mercenaries in Iraq has cost taxpayers over $4 billion with deaths, injuries and crimes shrouded in secrecy. His private army almost equals the American military in size. The Rumsfeld Doctrine conferred on war contractors a legitimacy they never before enjoyed. The real winners in Bush’s Oil Field Wars are American mercenary companies like Blackwater USA, founded by conservative Christian multimillionaire Erik Prince. His 7,000 acre training center is in Moyock, North Carolina, and he has secured land and a permit to locate in California.

“Private contractors” work outside the military chain of command and can do literally whatever they please with no accountability. They are really guerillas who operate along side the American military, are paid many times what our soldiers get and reflect negatively on America because they are unrestrained by law. Bush authorized Blackwater to start training forces in Darfur. John Murtha promises, “We are going to have extensive hearings to find out exactly what’s going on with these contractors.” Barack Obama said he wants “to reestablish control … while bringing contractors under the rule of law.” Bush’s private army again funnels US tax dollars into his cronies’ pockets.
Bush has violated the public trust in so many areas so many ways that people no longer know where to begin to fight his corruption and misuse of his office. He must be brought before the UN War Crimes Tribune to face justice in the World Court. He will legislate his own immunity in the US as Rumsfedt has done so the only avenue left to the people for justice, to bring criminal Bush to justice, is the UN War Crimes Tribunal. May this court serve justice for not just the American people, but for the world.


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