The Party of Fear Needed a New Bogeyman So It Created Al-Quaida
When the Evil Empire fell from within after the US spent trillions protecting us from it, Republicans replaced it with another Bogeyman, Bill Clinton. When Clinton proved not to be the Bogeyman, the neocons, using 9/11, created Al-Quaida with Osama as their next Bogeyman, so they could protect the frightened masses, continuing their politics of fear with a lie repeated so often they themselves believed it.
The name Al-Quaida was created in a Manhattan courtroom by neocons so they could use the RICO act to prosecute suspected terrorists. Osama is not nor ever has been leader of a nonexistent terrorist network called Al-Quaida, obsessed with destroying America. He’s a wealthy Saudi who finances individual terrorist groups. He is not a charismatic leader, dreaming of destroying the US.
Bush, the neocons’ puppet, swaggers, but never catches Osama because he is the evil necessary for Bush and the neocons to spread their fear and maintain power.
Shockingly, no Al-Quaida is waiting to destroy the western world. Without Al-Quaida people would see the fantasy created by Bush and his fear mongers. The BBC’s Power of Nightmares film reveals this sham. Bet you cannot get a copy of it though.
The party of fear needs a Boogie Man to protect us from because their policies are so self-serving, so counterproductive to the Middle Class and anyone but the top one percent in income, no one not driven to extremes by the fear they create would ever willing vote for any of them.
To paraphrase a very great American, "The only thing we have to fear is the fear manufactured by the party of fear."
The entire Republican Party uses fear as a technique of recruitment. The Party instills fear into people and then promises to protect them from that fear. This method is very effective because it got Bush close enough to the presidency so he could steal two elections with voter fraud and rigged vote counting in Ohio and Florida.
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