Sunday, April 29, 2007

Recipe for Endless War

The Project for a New American Century is the neocons’ (American Nazis’) document, whose goal is American world domination. Pax Americana means making the world safe through endless war. They believe that America is so good and the rest of the world so evil that any means is justifiable. 9/11 showed how the evil had attacked the good and gave the neocons their opening.

Neocon Governor Jeb Bush cheated in Florida to get brother GWBush elected in 2000 because his winning was necessary to world domination using US military. Neocons invaded Iraq for an easy(?) victory to further their agenda.

Neocon Doug Feith, former Undersecretary of State, helped cooked the books, lying the US into the Iraq War. The recently declassified Inspector General’s report by Thomas Gimble, documents Feith’s duplicity. Feith leaked his lie to William Kristol, president of the PNAC and editor of the Weekly Standard, owned by Rupert Murdock along with Fox News, which was touted by Dick Cheney, an original signer of the PNAC, as the truth = collusion.

Bush, Wolfowitz (World BankPresident), Bolton (UNAmbassador), Perle, Libby, Rumsfeld, the neocons, like Hitler, led the world into chaos, killing thousands. War is neocon peace, the world’s nightmare.


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