A Desperate Plea to Inform Yourself of the Imminent Dangers of Bush and the Neocons
I was born in the tiny ghost town in California in the ominous year Hitler invaded Poland and have always felt America was Paradise, truly the land of the free and the home of the brave. After Bush stole the second election, I truly fear for the survival of our republic. I read articles by his supporters which are so extreme I believe they would vote for Satan if he were the Republican candidate.
With any sort of research, they can inform themselves why he is so bad for the American people. But like him they are non-reading zealots who don’t need facts because their faith leads them to truth. Never has the middle class been so attacked, lied to and used by a US President. We are helpless to show people the truth when they don’t want to know the truth. These uninformed people will be responsible for all of us living in a police state.
Our republic is like Germany was in the late 1930’s when Adolph Hitler was lying to the German people while securing a stranglehold on the government. Like Hitler Bush believes if he repeats a lie often enough people will believe the lie. So far he is correct. People said that the German people, among the most educated and sophisticated on earth, were immune to the persuasions of a madman. Bush and his small circle of neocons are genuine madmen, concerned only with consolidating power and conquering the world through their policy outlined in Project for a New American Century. Like Hitler their dream is of world domination at any cost.
In a Labor campaign speech Bush blatantly lied to the people telling them Kerry will raise taxes on small business and that he will lower taxes. Kerry’s platform clearly states he will lower taxes on small business, but when people refuse to read and inform themselves firsthand they become easy dupes for to the lies of demagoguery. Bush lied about WMD’s, the link between Iraq and 9/11 attack, his service in the Texas National Guard, the cost of Medicare prescriptions for the elderly and succeeds with his lies because his supporters are blindly following him right or wrong.
A friend from the Midwest said all folks there must know is that he is a regular churchgoer. He may be a regular churchgoer, but true Christians do not send a thousand young Americans to their death in Iraq, hundreds more in Afghanistan and thousands of Iraqis and Afghans to the slaughter for a needless war of aggression that only makes sense to corporate America and the neocons - Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Bill Kristol, DonaldRumsfeld and Dubya.
By every measure Bush’s imperialistic wars have made the world less safe for Americans and the rest of the world. Iraq under Saddam was not the center of world terrorism it has now become under Bush. Bush’s is the most hated regime on earth, and we Americans are feeling that hatred worldwide, and this hatred will only grow until we have the wisdom to rid ourselves of this regime. Osama Bin Laden could not have asked for more support for his terrorism than Bush’s policies. Osama is now an asterisk in history because Bush has so united formerly disparate factions into a united terrorism force against America.
Because Bush is so closely allied with the Saudi Royal family, he cannot admit that America’s great enemy in not Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, and North Korea, any of the countries that the neocons plan to invade some time in the future. Bandar “Bush”, the Saudi Minister to the US, promised Dubya he would lower world oil prices before the November election. Not surprisingly, oil prices are coming down. Saudi Arabia will continue to work in harmony with Bush while their government continues to plan the destruction of America. Remember eighteen of the twenty terrorists involved in the 9/11 attack were Saudis – not one Afghan or Iraqi was involved.
Bush couples lies with fear to focus his power. How large must our national debt grow before people wake up? In three years he took our country from a five trillion dollar surplus under Clinton to a five hundred billion dollar deficit that our children and grandchildren must pay for with a diminish life opportunity.
How negatively must our lives and the lives of our offsprings be affected before we wake up? How many civil liberties must Americans lose before people wake up? Freedom of speech, freedom to assembly, freedom to enjoy the Bill of Rights? How many Americans must die in his wars of aggression before people wake up? How many lies must Karl Rove and Dick Cheney concoct for Bush to tell before the people wake up? How many corporate scandals can Bush brush under the rug until the people wake up?
Our only defense against Bush is to learn the truth … ourselves… through research. Will Americans inform themselves and wake up, or will we follow the path of Nazi Germany? Let’s hope that we wake up. If not, the rest, as they say, will be history.
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