Saturday, October 05, 2013

McClintock Voted to Shutdown the Government and Put All Those Workers Associated with Yosemite Park Out of Work

Hopefully, Mindless McClintock will have unwittingly put himself out of office by his latest Tea Party Fiasco.  People can clearly see that this self-serving carpetbagger's only concern is staying on the federal dole, serving himself, and appeasing the extreme Tea Party element in his party.

He has been willing throughout his mottled career to prostitute himself to stay in elected office by moving, when his old constituency can no longer abide him, to the most red district available, and appealing to the fringe element, working it frenetically into a Guns, Gays and God lather and getting elected.

He uses the same techniques used by Hitler and Mussolini, screaming platitudes while working himself into a bulging veined. red-faced frenzy of mindless commitment to the fringes, telling them their lunacy is acceptable to him.

It is time for Carpetbagger McClintock to start looking for another very red district ... maybe he will be unable to find a redder district since his current Congressional District is the reddest in the nation; if he has lost support in his current district, he will be FORCED to retire, the only way people will ever get rid of this carpetbagger.

He has never had any intentions of representing the people; he is only concerned with representing himself and the benighted who follow him.

Closing Yosemite Park may be his undoing; he hurt hundreds of people where they really feel it - in their pocketbooks.

Thursday, October 03, 2013

Another Desperate Act of the Republican Party, the Greatest Enemy of the American Way of Life

The current government shutdown by the idiot Senator from Texas is just the most recent example of the Republican Party's demonstration of it being a group of loose cannons completely out of control.  Anyone who votes for, donates to or supports in any way the Republican Party is supporting the Great Enemy of the American People.  No group, not the Old Communist Party, Al Qaeda  Al Shubab, no other group ever has so steadfastly worked to undermine the United States of America than the Republican Party.  Just associating with the Republican Party is to be the quintessential Anti- American.

With no leadership, direction or purpose other than to destroy our government for no apparent reason other than individual self-service and unbridled business created by no government regulation to protect the people and the environment from rapacious international corporations.  The Republican Party has achieved its statutes as the Greatest Enemy of the American People by schmoozing the untutored, the innocent and the very stupid to support it by dangling the three G's, God, Guns and Gays in front of them.  The fear factor is what enabled Hitler to take over Germany, Stalin Russia and Pol Pot Cambodia.  Now America has allowed itself to unwittingly fall under the pernicious influence of the all-destroying Republican Party.

The only way to take back our nation is to withdraw all support for anyone remotely associated with this demonic party, the Republican Party.  We must stop the Republican Witch Hunt to Destroy America and stop it quickly.