Sunday, February 11, 2007

Bush Must Pay For His Crimes Against Humanity

George W. Bush manipulated the truth and lied his way into the Iraq Oil Fields War. The war so far has cost US taxpayers over $400 billions, 3,100 American and over 700,000 Iraqi/Aphgan lives and his lying has put the world in peril. Bush is personally responsible to the American people for the money and the American lives and the lying which has infected U.S. prestige worldwide. The world has lost confidence in America’s leadership because of Bush’s deliberate lying. He has no credibility left whatsoever. He must be held accountable by US Courts for his waste of taxpayer’s money and the pointless deaths of young Americans.

A U.S. president must be held accountable like any other citizen; he has no special immunity when he commits crimes, and Bush deserves no special treatment. A liar is a liar and a criminal is a criminal, whoever he is.

In addition, Bush must be tried for the resultant Iraqi/Afghan deaths by the United Nations War Crimes Tribunal and charged with War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity. The world must decide in courts of law if Bush is or is not a criminal. Like anyone else, he will be presumed innocent until he is tried and acquitted or found guilty. The world has already tried him in the court of public opinion and found him guilty.

If the US and UN are institutions of law, then the law must be followed. If he is not so charged by the US and the UN War Crimes Tribunal, that omission will be a travesty of justice unparalleled in the history of mankind.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

A Miracle in Auburn, California

Auburn is not generally known as a locale for miracles, but a miracle is currently taking placing right here in this sacred land of Auburn. To witness this miracle, simply travel to what was once the Auburn Dam Overlook or even better hike down our lovely canyon toward-the-soon-to-be-plugged tunnel and look at the location where the unsightly scar and affront to Mother Nature used to be. The John Doolittle Scar Upon the Land (JDSUTL) is disappearing right before our eyes.

It is slowly vanishing as the workmen, contouring the new bed to once again allow the American River to flow freely, transport their diggings on angel wings up the canyon cliffs and push the dirt back down to cover Doolittle’s Scar. Miracles happen very infrequently in Auburn so do not miss this one. This covering of the Doolittle Scar is definitely worth witnessing as a spiritual act of faith.

If one miracle can happen here in Auburn, then so can another. That other miracle can take place in 2008 if the voters do what workers do. Voters can bury Doolittle himself with an avalanche of votes and completely rid our area of the John Doolittle Scar Upon our Land. Voters almost performed a miracle this year. Miracles do take place … even right here in Auburn. Miracles always are more successful with help from the people.

Bush is Personally Responsible to the American People

The world knows George W. Bush manipulated the truth and lied his way into the faux-war in Iraq. The war so far has cost US taxpayers over $400 billions, 3,100 American and over 700,000 Iraqi/Aphgan lives. Bush is personally responsible to the American people for the money and the American lives. He must be held accountable by US Courts for his senseless waste of money and the pointless deaths of young Americans. A US president must be held accountable like any other citizen; he has no special immunity when he commits crimes.

In addition, Bush must be tried for the unnecessary Iraqi/Afghan deaths by the United Nations War Crimes Tribunal and charged with War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity. The world must decide in courts of law if Bush is or is not a criminal. Like anyone else, he will be presumed innocent until he is tried and acquitted or found guilty.

If the US and UN are instruments of the law, then the law must be followed. If he is not so charged by the US and the UN Tribunal, that omission will be a travesty of justice unparalleled in the history of mankind.

Bush's Criminal Lack of Oversight

The Bush Administration’s lack of oversight in Iraq has led to billions of dollars in losses, corruption of Iraqi and American officials and massive wastes of taxpayer moneys on shoddy construction and fraud. Stuart Bowen, Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, says corruption and fraud are rife throughout Iraq, with Iraqis stealing oil which must be transported by trucks because insurgents continually destroy pipelines.

Robert Stein, Controller of the South Central region of Iraq, is one of the few Americans convicted of corruption and sentenced to nine years, and his partner Phillip Bloom is currently being charged. No one has even been charged in the colossal incompetence in the building of the Iraqi Police Academy. The Academy is in such bad shape the Iraqis refuse to accept it. The only reason Stuart Bowen is still on the job as the only oversight person in Iraq is that Republican congress was blocked from eliminating his job.

Halliburton, Kellogg, Brown and Root, Bechtel (withdrawn) have all been implicated in corruption, but no charges have been brought by the Bush Administration, which acts as a shield to corporate corruption in Iraq and a conduit of taxpayer money to corrupt, incompetent, corporate America.

Bush's Religious Fanaticism Opposes Reason

The kind of Christian fundamentalism Bush and his fanatics espouse opposes reason and rejects love and science completely. Their intolerance creates fear and division. Nowhere in the Bible is a directive on abortion, prayer in school, contraception, subjugation of women and minorities, and only one hypothetical reference to homosexuality in Paul’s Letter to the Corinthians. If Bush’s religion leads to the deaths of 3,000 Americans and over 700,000 Iraqis, then what he is practicing may have been good for him(dope, alcohol), but certainly not good for the world. Thou shalt not kill is a Commandant and killing is a primal violation of Jesus’ love.

The Law of the Prophets tells us to love God completely and our neighbors as ourselves. Everything in the Bible is not the word of Jesus so reason must be used in its interpretation i. e. slavery is practiced in the Old and New Testament, yet it violates the Law of the Prophets and must be reasonably rejected. If the fanatics were logically uniform, they would support slavery because it is defended in the Bible and not cherry pick to defend a political dogma.

Finally, Christianity is love. Fanatics displaying signs saying “Jesus Hates Fags” is as remote as possible from Jesus’ teachings. Jesus loved everyone. Those who intolerantly reject individual differences are practicing something other than Jesus’ love.

Finally, all human behavior must pass the test of love. Do we love our neighbors (Mexicans, Muslims, Russians) the way we love ourselves, unconditionally? Now is a good time to evaluate our behavior to determine if we are practicing Jesus’ love clear through or unknowingly perverting the Law of the Prophets for political ends. If we can practice love now, at this moment, we can practice it always. Loving unconditionally is Jesus’ gift to the world.

Bush Mafia is Losing Its Cover

The cover for the Bush Mafia is finally falling off. Bush’s attempt to cover up his own EPA’s findings on Global Warming (GW) is revealed in Congressman Henry Waxman’s oversight of Bush pressuring his scientists to distort their findings. Bush edited the phrase “GW” out of reports to Congress. He refused to hand over subpoenaed documents from the EPA to Congressman Waxman, documents which show Bush’s “attempt to mislead the public by injecting doubt into the science of global warming and minimizing the potential dangers.”

White House policy on global warming was run by oil lobbyist Philip Cooney, who unilaterally deleted all mentions of global warming. Cooney came from the American Petroleum Institute, the largest oil lobby in the US; he headed the Council on Environmental Quality in the White House. He left the White House to work for Exxon Mobil. He perverted EPA finding on GW to fit Bush’s oilman contentions.

Bush and Congressman John T. Doolittle use science fiction writer Michael Crichton as their scientific authority to ignore GW. Over eight hundred of the world foremost climatologists have signed a document indicating GW is the world’s foremost problem. Bush continues to put the planet at risk.

King George and His Kingdom of US

King George continues turning our republic into a unitary executive i.e. monarchy. Attorney General Gonzales stated he was not sure if Congress had a role in the unitary executive. King George has signed over 700 signing statements, exempting himself from any law. Now he has implemented an executive order stating that each agency must have a regulatory policy office run by his political appointee, to supervise the development of rules and documents providing guidance to regulated industries. Bush thereby gives himself complete control of all government agencies and dictates what directives come out of every agency.

This order is a shameless power grab to offset his loss of Congress Nov 7. It is unconstitutional so Bush has created a constitutional crisis between two branches of government, diverting attention from Iraq. This order attempts to dissolve the power of the legislative into the executive branch. Oversight Chairman Henry Waxman said, “The executive order allows the political staff at the White House to dictate decisions on health and safety issues, even if the government’s own impartial experts disagree. This is a terrible way to govern, but great news for special interest.” Once again Bush reprehensibly favors the moneyed few over the many.

Bush and Doolittle Believe Global Warming is a Myth

Incredibly Doolittle and Bush say Global Warming (GW) is a lie, about which they are both experts. Over 800 of the world’s leading climatologists agree unanimously that GW is the world’s number one issue with many giving us only five years to reverse our planetary degradation. We elected the only person other than Bush and science fiction writer Michael Crichton ( whom Doolittle cites as his authority), who believes global warming is a lie. Doolittle’s wrongness on all issue is Bushian.

He voted against the minimum wage, voted to approve Bush’s troop surge which puts 21, 500 young Americans in peril of death for Bush’s utter stupidity and southern stubbornness, cantankerousness. He said his wife was no longer his fundraiser and then waffled. Does Doolittle ever know his own mind unless the Far Right tells him what to think? He supported the governor’s two dams, after promising Robert Matsui not to, took Matsui’s payola and then, when Matsui died, Doolittle broke his promise, re-pursuing the Auburn Dam, attempting to appease his handlers’ rage over his ineptitude.

And this is the New Doolittle! If you believe pigs can fly and the moon is made of green cheese, Doolittle is your mule.

George W. Bush, the Great Weasel, Meets His Waterloo

If the local police raided a business, killed the CEO and imprisoned all of his staff, destroyed all the equipment and machinery the business used to produce its products, and took away its business permits, its finances and destroyed its business plan, and then told the business that the only way the police would help the business was when it pulled its together and restarted business as usual, people would generally agree that the police were misguided and unrealistic in believing that the business had the responsibility of restarting itself again after it had in effect been completely destroyed from top to bottom. No sane person would hold the business accountability for doing the impossible, rebuilding itself after it was totally destroyed.

Yet that is what the American government is asking Iraq to do. The US government, from Bush to congress to the ISG, all mindlessly says that Iraq is responsible for rebuilding Iraq. The Americans cannot rebuild Iraq; only Iraqis can rebuild Iraq and when the Iraqis stand up, Americans will stand down. This is an American Fantasy that will remain a fantasy.

Any sensible person knows that General Powell was correct when he said of Iraq if you break it, you own it. America under Bush broke Iraq and now America under Bush owns Iraq. Nothing short of fixing Iraq will allow America to exit Iraq, and yet the American people daily become more insistence that our soldiers must come home. This is the Great American Paradox: Americans may come home when Iraqis stand up, but Iraqis can never stand up while Americans continue to occupy their country. Once Humpty Dumpty was broken, all the king’s horses and all the king’s men …. Humpty Dumpty is broken, but the President and Congress seem to speak with one voice in saying the responsibility for fixing Iraq is Iraq’s responsibility even though America crushed Iraq.

The Great Bush Weasel is trying to cake walk out of accepting responsible for another catastrophe in a continuous line of Bush catastrophes from Harken Oil, through the Texas Rangers, through turning Texas into a third world country during his governorship to the current Cosmic Catastrophe of Iraq. Bush has lived his life as the master of The Great Weasel; that is, destroying whatever he touches, walking away and letting other clean up his mess while moving on to a better job. Iraq will be Bush’s Waterloo; that which he will never be able to walk away from and that which will mark him forever as the worst US president in US history and the worst person to ever be elected to the US presidency.

Americans elected a fool and now must continue to live with that fool.

George W. Bush's Madness Must Be Apparent Even to the Most Uninitiated

George W. Bush's madness must be apparent even to the most uninitiated. He contintues to pursue the same course of action in Iraq, believing mindlessly that the outcome will be different. He has put in harm's way an additional 21, 500 of our best and brightest young soldiers with no thought whatsoever for their risk. Only a callous and insensitive madman with not care for the harm he is inflicting on our young service people, on America, on Iraq and on the world would do what Bush is doing. He is the Butcher of Baghdad and now the Butcher of Our Brothers and Sisters. What butchery we have seen in Baghdad up to now will be dwarved by what is forthcoming by his new surge. When one American or Iraqi dies in Bush's senseless war mankind is diminished by that one death: "Any man's death diminishes me because I am involved in mankind; therefore, never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee." said poet John Donne and Bush is illustrating his words.Bush is behaving in total opposition to seventy percent of his fellow Americans by pushing ahead with his surge. He has no new plan, he has no explanation for his action, he has no support for his actions. Even the American Nazi neocons who originally orchestrated the ill-advised invasion of Iraq now believe it was a mistake and the execution of the invasion by the Bush administration is and has been a catastrophe.Bush is the worst president in the history of our republic, the worst person ever to be president of the United States, and the most stubborn and unintelligent person ever to serve. He is a failure in all facets of his personal and professional life and a complete and abject failure not just as president but as a negotiator, diplomat and statesman. He appears not to even know what the word statesmanship means. He has surrounded himself with toadies, sycophants and lapdogs so completely that he can never hear the truth and even if he does, he is too benighted to act on it. Truth has never been this man's companion, the lie has been his administration's policy and stupidity and bungling have been its guiding force.He is beyond any form of redemption. The quicker he is impeached, the quicker the world will benefit. Then the United Nations War Tribunal can impose justice by trying him for War Crime and Crimes Against Humanity. George W. Bush is the world's greatest terrorist, its most hated tyrant and a blot on the history of two centuries. He must be stopped for sake of humanity and the future of the world.
posted by Shundahai @ 9:06 PM

Doolittle Still Supports Auburn Dam, Wife As Fundraiser

"Doolittle builds up trust as he reaches out to area voters," screams the Journal editorial headline of Jan. 24. John Doolittle says he needs to "rebuild the trust and support of my constituents."Then he supports the governor's plan to build two new dams. Doolittle never met a dam he did not support hoping to ultimately build the Auburn dam, the building of which is what his supporters gave him over $2.4 million for to defeat Charlie Brown. And he says he no longer will pay his wife, Julie, to fundraise.Jan. 25 headline: "Doolittle wants wife to keep fundraising." He says, "It's my desire that she do it."In the Sac Bee on Jan. 26, Doolittle says he also supports President Bush's surge for Baghdad: "I must admit I struggle with this, but he is the commander in chief." He knows the Iraqi government is not up to the task Bush has assigned it and believes it must "respond almost flawlessly. And it's not flawless." Yet he supports Bush mindlessly.How is the new Doolittle different from the old Doolittle? The Doolittle leopard has the same old spots, but no backbone or independent thinking even when its survival is the issue.