George W. Bush, the Great Weasel, Meets His Waterloo
If the local police raided a business, killed the CEO and imprisoned all of his staff, destroyed all the equipment and machinery the business used to produce its products, and took away its business permits, its finances and destroyed its business plan, and then told the business that the only way the police would help the business was when it pulled its together and restarted business as usual, people would generally agree that the police were misguided and unrealistic in believing that the business had the responsibility of restarting itself again after it had in effect been completely destroyed from top to bottom. No sane person would hold the business accountability for doing the impossible, rebuilding itself after it was totally destroyed.
Yet that is what the American government is asking Iraq to do. The US government, from Bush to congress to the ISG, all mindlessly says that Iraq is responsible for rebuilding Iraq. The Americans cannot rebuild Iraq; only Iraqis can rebuild Iraq and when the Iraqis stand up, Americans will stand down. This is an American Fantasy that will remain a fantasy.
Any sensible person knows that General Powell was correct when he said of Iraq if you break it, you own it. America under Bush broke Iraq and now America under Bush owns Iraq. Nothing short of fixing Iraq will allow America to exit Iraq, and yet the American people daily become more insistence that our soldiers must come home. This is the Great American Paradox: Americans may come home when Iraqis stand up, but Iraqis can never stand up while Americans continue to occupy their country. Once Humpty Dumpty was broken, all the king’s horses and all the king’s men …. Humpty Dumpty is broken, but the President and Congress seem to speak with one voice in saying the responsibility for fixing Iraq is Iraq’s responsibility even though America crushed Iraq.
The Great Bush Weasel is trying to cake walk out of accepting responsible for another catastrophe in a continuous line of Bush catastrophes from Harken Oil, through the Texas Rangers, through turning Texas into a third world country during his governorship to the current Cosmic Catastrophe of Iraq. Bush has lived his life as the master of The Great Weasel; that is, destroying whatever he touches, walking away and letting other clean up his mess while moving on to a better job. Iraq will be Bush’s Waterloo; that which he will never be able to walk away from and that which will mark him forever as the worst US president in US history and the worst person to ever be elected to the US presidency.
Americans elected a fool and now must continue to live with that fool.
Bush certainly is the great weasel.
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