If Congressman John T. Doolittle Were Ethical
The forces of reason have finally triumphed over the forces of evil and the Auburn Dam will NEVER be built. Work in the American River Canyon below the Overlook is undoing the harm inflicted on our riverbed by Congressman John Doolittle in his fanatically attempt to do the bidding of those who purchased his office for him, the wealthy developers, whose thumb puppet he always was and is. But, nothing is being done to repair the gashes in both sides of the Canyon gouged for the footings to the Dam.
If he were an honest and principled man, he would declare his failure to build the Auburn Dam publicly, apologize for the agony he has caused many of his constituents by trying to deceive them into believing that what he wanted was really what they wanted, and for the harm he has inflicted on Mother Nature.
If Congressman John Doolittle were an ethical man, he would use his own money (really the money of his backers) to heal the ugly wound he has inflicted on the blessing of our edenesque Canyon.
If John Doolittle were something other than a demagogue and sycophant of the wealthy, and cared about us little people, he would appropriate taxpayers’ money to repair our mangled Canyon.
But, since Doolittle is none of these, possesses none of these virtues, his lasting monument to the people of his district, that for which he will always be remembered, is -- the John Doolittle Scar Upon the Land (JDSUTL), a memorial that will live in infamy as long as people have eyes.
That is a very big If.
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