Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Prophetic Note Written in January 2005

Far Right Republicans, who sleepwalk through life focusing on God, Gays, and Guns to torment their fellows, will never see or even look for the reality of living in the here and now. They cannot be influenced from their deeply held faith, which is a willingness to believe in the supernatural. Faith is another word for fear of reality so deeply ingrained that any fantasy becomes preferable to reality. Republicans are beyond the pale of common sense so they must be left to their own perception, which is self-deluded, self-centered and self-destructive.

That Republicans currently hold political power is aberrant and transitory. The evil that they have done is short- lived and easily correctable.

How can we others combat the evil the current administration has inflicted on the world? We must begin with small acts.

A great thinker said, “You must do what you can. Always. At night you must go to sleep knowing you have done your best, and there is no more you can do than that. Do not let the problems overwhelm you. Start somewhere, anywhere, with just the smallest gesture of compassion for the least of the least and do it in secret. Know you have made a dent against the evil this administration has inflicted on the world.”

He said further it is so easy to whine about this administration, but whining corrects none of its evils. We must instead create an army now, a conquering army of people committed to peace and goodness. And then conquer the evil with acts of compassion and mercy, of love and respect for the least among us.

The first step is to wake up to reality and live in the here and now with all of our senses and perceptions highly honed. See reality as it is straight on and then do something for good.


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