Doolittle Still Supports Auburn Dam, Wife As Fundraiser
"Doolittle builds up trust as he reaches out to area voters," screams the Journal editorial headline of Jan. 24. John Doolittle says he needs to "rebuild the trust and support of my constituents."Then he supports the governor's plan to build two new dams. Doolittle never met a dam he did not support hoping to ultimately build the Auburn dam, the building of which is what his supporters gave him over $2.4 million for to defeat Charlie Brown. And he says he no longer will pay his wife, Julie, to fundraise.Jan. 25 headline: "Doolittle wants wife to keep fundraising." He says, "It's my desire that she do it."In the Sac Bee on Jan. 26, Doolittle says he also supports President Bush's surge for Baghdad: "I must admit I struggle with this, but he is the commander in chief." He knows the Iraqi government is not up to the task Bush has assigned it and believes it must "respond almost flawlessly. And it's not flawless." Yet he supports Bush mindlessly.How is the new Doolittle different from the old Doolittle? The Doolittle leopard has the same old spots, but no backbone or independent thinking even when its survival is the issue.
Just another Doolittle lie after many lies preceding many future lies. This man must be impeached,recalled, done away with.
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