Sunday, April 29, 2007

Bush is the Worst Person Ever to Be President

Most believe that Bush is the worst president in the history. But, more importantly, Bush is the worst person ever to be president.
He is a chronic liar, a deserter from his National Guard unit, is indirectly one of the greatest mass murders of all time with the deaths of 3,000 Americans and over 700,000 Iraqis, and is fighting to increase these numbers. He is a psychopath with no conscience and cannot admit he is ever wrong, a psychopath in the mold of Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and Genghis Khan. He is incapable of showing human compassion. He is a religious fanatic who has perverted his religion to serve his political purposes. He has never shown love and uses religion to divide and exploit. He is a failed father as evidenced by the behavior of his twin daughters.
He dislikes gays, immigrants, people of color and most anyone who does not immediately lie down for him. He surrounds himself with sycophants and toadies who will support his fanaticism unquestioningly. He has led his country into a war labeled the greatest mistake in American history, and yet he continually tries to disregard the obvious failure and cling to his monomaniacal belief that he is right and the rest of the world is wrong. He has made our country the most universally hated on earth. He is eager to sacrifice more American troops in an failed war. He will continue to stay the course in Iraq even if only Laura and Barney, his dog, support him, and he has a chance to test his resolve because Laura and Barney are about his only supporters.

His fanatical religion may have got him off dope and alcohol, but has done nothing to instill the law of the Prophets in him to love God completely and to love his neighbor as himself. He cannot love himself because he is incapable of human love. The concept of love seems so foreign to this man that religion is only a vehicle that he uses for his own edification and for political purposes. His behavior is devoid of any Christian love. He is a callous human, devoid of the slightest shred of humanity. He directs that slain American soldiers not be returned home during daylight but brought home under the cover of darkness. He thinks he can deceive people if he is careful enough because his privileged life has taught him that he will never have a day of reckoning and he can fool everyone all the time.

Impeachment would only disrupt our country and would only keep him in the public eye while the government is handcuffed. What he deserves is indictment by the UN War Crimes Tribunal for Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes. His behavior has disgraced our country and heaped hate on Americans worldwide.
If there is a God, then vengeance, as He says, is His. And Bush will be a most deserving recipient of God’s vengeance.

Doolittle Hides Behind His Wife?

Doolittle’s lawyer said of the FBI search of his home, “The congressman continues to be supportive of his wife Julie and believes that the truth ultimately will prevail.” An LDS wife is always supportive of her husband’s leadership and does what he tells her to do to, serve as a model for the children and others. Whatever Julie Doolittle did, she did to support her husband at his insistence. For Doolittle to attempt to shift blame to his wife is a further insight into his hollow core as a husband and human being. The FBI search of Julie’s business records of her company Sierra Dominion Financial Services is not an attempt to indict Julie; it is an attempt to link Doolittle directly with Jack Abramoff’s corruption and the Northern Marianna’s sex slave scandal. Doolittle has fooled most of the people most of the time. For Doolittle to believe that the end of the FBI search is a conviction of his wife Julie is a measure of his desperation and foolhardiness to maintain a fiction, and, if he truly believes “the truth will ultimately prevail”, then he knows what most people already know: Doolittle is finally a dead man walking.

Killing to Teach People Not to Kill

Every religion has a prohibition against killing: Thou shalt not kill. When a person is executed by a government, he is executed by the people i .e. citizens of the State of California. Each government carries out the will of the people when carrying out an execution. Each of us is one of the people. Whenever a government executes a person, each of us is responsible for that killing … we become murderers collectively and individually. Whether we kill as individuals or as a mob as members of a government, we are still killers. Every time a death penalty is carried out, we citizens are all responsible for that killing. We have a code of law which is not a code of vengeance, which is quite difference from justice. A code of vengeance (revenge) has never been adopted, only a code of law; we must recognize they are quite different. If a person kills your sister, what you want on the animal level is vengeance … an eye for an eye. We can never teach people not to kill by killing. Vengeance is not justice and every citizen must know the difference.

Bush's Obscene and Unconstitutional Signing Statements

King George continues turning our republic into a unitary executive i.e. monarchy. Attorney General Gonzales stated he was not sure if Congress had a role in the unitary executive. King George has signed over 700 signing statements, exempting himself from any law. Now he has implemented an executive order stating that each agency must have a regulatory policy office run by his political appointee, to supervise the development of rules and documents providing guidance to regulated industries. Bush thereby gives himself complete control of all government agencies and dictates what directives come out of every agency.

This order is a shameless power grab to offset his loss of Congress Nov 7. It is unconstitutional so Bush has created a constitutional crisis between two branches of government, diverting attention from Iraq. This order attempts to dissolve the power of the legislative into the executive branch. Oversight Chairman Henry Waxman said, “The executive order allows the political staff at the White House to dictate decisions on health and safety issues, even if the government’s own impartial experts disagree. This is a terrible way to govern, but great news for special interest.” Once again Bush reprehensibly favors the moneyed few over the many.

Bush's Personal Kind of Fundamentalism

The kind of Christian fundamentalism Bush and his fanatics espouse opposes reason and rejects love and science completely. Their intolerance creates fear and division. Nowhere in the Bible is a directive on abortion, prayer in school, contraception, subjugation of women and minorities, and only one hypothetical reference to homosexuality in Paul’s Letter to the Corinthians. If Bush’s religion leads to the deaths of 3,000 Americans and over 700,000 Iraqis, then what he is practicing may have been good for him(dope, alcohol), but certainly not good for the world. Thou shalt not kill is a Commandant and killing is a primal violation of Jesus’ love.

The Law of the Prophets tells us to love God completely and our neighbors as ourselves. Everything in the Bible is not the word of Jesus so reason must be used in its interpretation i. e. slavery is practiced in the Old and New Testament, yet it violates the Law of the Prophets and must be reasonably rejected. If the fanatics were logically uniform, they would support slavery because it is defended in the Bible and not cherry pick to defend a political dogma.

Finally, Christianity is love. Fanatics displaying signs saying “Jesus Hates Fags” is as remote as possible from Jesus’ teachings. Jesus loved everyone. Those who intolerantly reject individual differences are practicing something other than Jesus’ love.

Finally, all human behavior must pass the test of love. Do we love our neighbors (Mexicans, Muslims, Russians) the way we love ourselves, unconditionally? Now is a good time to evaluate our behavior to determine if we are practicing Jesus’ love clear through or unknowingly perverting the Law of the Prophets for political ends. If we can practice love now, at this moment, we can practice it always. Loving unconditionally is Jesus’ gift to the world.

The Result of Bush's Disdain for Governing

The Bush Administration’s lack of oversight in Iraq has led to billions of dollars in losses, corruption of Iraqi and American officials and massive wastes of taxpayer moneys on shoddy construction and fraud. Stuart Bowen, Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, says corruption and fraud are rife throughout Iraq, with Iraqis stealing oil which must be transported by trucks because insurgents continually destroy pipelines.

Robert Stein, Controller of the South Central region of Iraq, is one of the few Americans convicted of corruption and sentenced to nine years, and his partner Phillip Bloom is currently being charged. No one has even been charged in the colossal incompetence in the building of the Iraqi Police Academy. The Academy is in such bad shape the Iraqis refuse to accept it. The only reason Stuart Bowen is still on the job as the only oversight person in Iraq is that Republican congress was blocked from eliminating his job.

Halliburton, Kellogg, Brown and Root, Bechtel (withdrawn) have all been implicated in corruption, but no charges have been brought by the Bush Administration, which acts as a shield to corporate corruption in Iraq and a conduit of taxpayer money to corrupt, incompetent, corporate America.

Recipe for Endless War

The Project for a New American Century is the neocons’ (American Nazis’) document, whose goal is American world domination. Pax Americana means making the world safe through endless war. They believe that America is so good and the rest of the world so evil that any means is justifiable. 9/11 showed how the evil had attacked the good and gave the neocons their opening.

Neocon Governor Jeb Bush cheated in Florida to get brother GWBush elected in 2000 because his winning was necessary to world domination using US military. Neocons invaded Iraq for an easy(?) victory to further their agenda.

Neocon Doug Feith, former Undersecretary of State, helped cooked the books, lying the US into the Iraq War. The recently declassified Inspector General’s report by Thomas Gimble, documents Feith’s duplicity. Feith leaked his lie to William Kristol, president of the PNAC and editor of the Weekly Standard, owned by Rupert Murdock along with Fox News, which was touted by Dick Cheney, an original signer of the PNAC, as the truth = collusion.

Bush, Wolfowitz (World BankPresident), Bolton (UNAmbassador), Perle, Libby, Rumsfeld, the neocons, like Hitler, led the world into chaos, killing thousands. War is neocon peace, the world’s nightmare.

The Party of Fear Needed a New Bogeyman So It Created Al-Quaida

When the Evil Empire fell from within after the US spent trillions protecting us from it, Republicans replaced it with another Bogeyman, Bill Clinton. When Clinton proved not to be the Bogeyman, the neocons, using 9/11, created Al-Quaida with Osama as their next Bogeyman, so they could protect the frightened masses, continuing their politics of fear with a lie repeated so often they themselves believed it.

The name Al-Quaida was created in a Manhattan courtroom by neocons so they could use the RICO act to prosecute suspected terrorists. Osama is not nor ever has been leader of a nonexistent terrorist network called Al-Quaida, obsessed with destroying America. He’s a wealthy Saudi who finances individual terrorist groups. He is not a charismatic leader, dreaming of destroying the US.

Bush, the neocons’ puppet, swaggers, but never catches Osama because he is the evil necessary for Bush and the neocons to spread their fear and maintain power.

Shockingly, no Al-Quaida is waiting to destroy the western world. Without Al-Quaida people would see the fantasy created by Bush and his fear mongers. The BBC’s Power of Nightmares film reveals this sham. Bet you cannot get a copy of it though.

The party of fear needs a Boogie Man to protect us from because their policies are so self-serving, so counterproductive to the Middle Class and anyone but the top one percent in income, no one not driven to extremes by the fear they create would ever willing vote for any of them.

To paraphrase a very great American, "The only thing we have to fear is the fear manufactured by the party of fear."

Imagine a World Without John Taylor Doolittle

You may say I’m a dreamer, but imagine a world without Doolittle. Imagine giving government back to the people. Imagine a world without Doolittle propping up empty-suit Assemblyman Ted Gaines, attack-dog Placer County Supervisor Bruce Kranz, Auburn Mayor Bob “Waste Water” Snyder, Sierra College Board assassins of college president Ramirez, Aaron Klein, Jerry Simmons, and Scott Leslie. Imagine a world in which Mega-Land Speculator Angelo Tsakopoulos cannot buy officials who enable his raping our natural beauty for personal profit. Imagine a world in which it is no longer true every time it rains in the American River Canyon, Doolittle uses it as an omen of the need to build the Auburn Dam. Imagine a world in which Sacramentans have real flood protection with Folsom Dam economically retrofitted. Imagine a world in which voters no longer must hire a lobbyist to speak to their congressman. Imagine one fewer lapdog for Bush’s plundering of America no longer yapping. Imagine no more race and hate legislation … no need for greed and hunger, a brotherhood of man. You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one who can imagine a world without John T. Doolittle ... an Honorable Paradise Regained.

Doolittle's Pool of Corruption

Global warming is melting the Doolittle glacier, which is starting to … drip, drip … turning his ice into clear water, reflecting the sunlight of truth, at the bottom of his cliff, slowly filling up the reflecting pool of corruption into which a continuing list of Republicans (George Bush, Paul Wolfowitz, Alberto Gonzalez, Kevin Ring, Jerry Lewis, Rick Renzi) may see their own images. What Doolittle sees is the reflection of his corruption and failed attempts at personal aggrandizement, so clear, so prominent in features that no one can miss seeing that he and this administration, misled by The Great Liar, should do one decent thing and resign for the welfare of their party, their constituents, the nation and the world.

This pool of corruption is a temporal mirror for Doolittle, and then turns into a maelstrom that sucks him to the dark, nether regions of history he so richly earned and deserves. Getting elected to office has nothing to do with statesmanship (honorableness). The Doolittle glacier will continue to melt as long as the heat continues to rise, his global warming continues raising the heat. Doolittle will be only a sad footnote in history, who only hurt people.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Bush's Taxpayer Funded Marauding, Guerilla Army

Bush’s private army of 100,000 mercenaries in Iraq has cost taxpayers over $4 billion with deaths, injuries and crimes shrouded in secrecy. His private army almost equals the American military in size. The Rumsfeld Doctrine conferred on war contractors a legitimacy they never before enjoyed. The real winners in Bush’s Oil Field Wars are American mercenary companies like Blackwater USA, founded by conservative Christian multimillionaire Erik Prince. His 7,000 acre training center is in Moyock, North Carolina, and he has secured land and a permit to locate in California.

“Private contractors” work outside the military chain of command and can do literally whatever they please with no accountability. They are really guerillas who operate along side the American military, are paid many times what our soldiers get and reflect negatively on America because they are unrestrained by law. Bush authorized Blackwater to start training forces in Darfur. John Murtha promises, “We are going to have extensive hearings to find out exactly what’s going on with these contractors.” Barack Obama said he wants “to reestablish control … while bringing contractors under the rule of law.” Bush’s private army again funnels US tax dollars into his cronies’ pockets.
Bush has violated the public trust in so many areas so many ways that people no longer know where to begin to fight his corruption and misuse of his office. He must be brought before the UN War Crimes Tribune to face justice in the World Court. He will legislate his own immunity in the US as Rumsfedt has done so the only avenue left to the people for justice, to bring criminal Bush to justice, is the UN War Crimes Tribunal. May this court serve justice for not just the American people, but for the world.