Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Bush’s Moral Decay Has Forced Us to Rely on Common Law to Protect Us From His Immorality

When moral consensus fades, as it has in our time under the Bush Administration, we turn to law; when law falters, as it must when morality is no longer widely shared, society and culture teeter on the brink of chaos.

Bush’s attack on our moral system is most pointedly an attack on our common law. When morality dissolves as it has under Bush, people turn to the law and that is where they come into direct conflict with Bush. When law is altered for personal benefit as Bush has done, culture and society waver on the brink of chaos. Bush has cut down constitional law that protects us from our leaders and baser instincts.

Sir Thomas More, in conflict with another tyrant, Henry VIII, said, “God made the angels to show Him splendor – as He made animals for innocence and plants for their simplicity. But man He made to serve Him wittily, in the tangle of his mind.”

Our minds then tell us that authority (Bush) is wrong, that we must rely on our sense of right and wrong to protect us from Bush’s immorality, in order to live morally with virtue and truth because Bush has comprised the law.

Our nation must regain its morality and re-establish the rule of law if the US is to survive as a nation and if we are to survive as a people.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

"Tom McClintock is so far to the right that his own party has problems with him."

His Record Doesn't Lie: Tom McClintock
Posted by: ThosPayne

The way in which a politician is viewed by the people he now represents indicates how he will perform in the future. Comments from Tom McClintock's District 19 constituents
reveals why his home turf in Ventura County - - known as Reagan country - - went from Red to Blue:
- "This district was unrepresented for 8 years under McClintock. McClintock is so far to the right that his own party has problems with him."
- "Conejo Valley residents are an educated bunch. A good number of us are employed by Amgen or Baxter, biotech firms... [we] are savvy about climate change and will discriminate between the good arguments offered by scientists and bad arguments offered by a few feckless politicians. McClintock has “consistently opposed sensible measures to protect our air, water and wild places.” He “opposed important measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from motor vehicles (AB 1493, 2002), to recycle toxic electronic wastes (SB 20, 2003), and to increase California’s supply or clean, renewable energy (SB 1078, 2002).”
- McClintock Attacks Gore, Conservationists; Disputes Global Warming Science (October 29, 2007) - In an October 12 speech to the Western Conservative Political Action Conference, California State Senator Tom McClintock mounted a persuasive, and yet poorly informed attack against Al Gore, conservation, and the most widely accepted scientific theory of global warming. This is fortunate: McClintock’s comments have assured his well-deserved fate of political irrelevance and ignominy. McClintock repeated well-worn Republican jokes about personal jets and Gore’s electricity bill. He mentioned several laughably out-of-date theories about the causes of recent climate change. He even proudly admits that his knowledge about climate change has its most profound roots in his grade school musings... This position is damaging to the Republican party and will cause it to lose votes in California and nationally."
Tom McClintock has long enjoyed a reputation for being a straight-shooting, principled conservative. You may not believe what he believes, but you usually get a sense that he knows what he's talking about. That's why people [here]were stunned when McClintock, in a speech to the Western Conservative Politcal Action Conference, called global warming a "farce." In a rant against environmentalists he blasted the state's new greenhouse emissions law, saying it would hurt industry and (get this) even cause starvation in the world.
Republican supporters said McClintock "seems to be in a time warp. The most recent PPIC poll shows that even 60 percent of Republicans see an immediate need to tackle global warming (82 percent of independents did too). McClintock didn't do himself any favors on this one. He's just handed Democrats and even his likely 2010 Republican gubernatorial primary opponent, Steve Poizner, an issue to campaign on, making it even easier to paint McClintock as an extremist out of touch with California values."
If voters in Los Angeles and Ventura feel McClintock is an anti-environment extremist, consider what he may do to our Auburn-Sierra-Tahoe area?

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Proof that God Exists is Congressman John T. Doolittle is Not Seeking Reelection

God Exists Because Doolittle Is Not Running for Re-election
Two great occurrences have happened in Placer County: 1) The Auburn Dam has been stopped permanently; and 2) Congressman John Taylor "Abramoff's Punk" Doolittle has announced he will not seek re-election.

On the national scene the serial felon George W. Bush will ride into his our private purgatory in January, 2009, with the deaths of over a million people on his soul and the guilt of the draining of the US Treasury into the pockets of his handlers. This born again Christian must know that the Bible says to take from the poor and give to the rich is a mortal sin, and Bush ultimately will pay a price he cannot now fathom. Watching Bush get his comeuppance over the years will be a great joy to the world.

Do Not Forget What Damage Aaron Klein Did to Sierra College and Incredibly He is Running for Reelection

Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Klein defends stance against education.

Now Klein takes on the elementary crowd.
Remember, Klein has absolutely NO experience in education. He's never even attended primary, secondary school or college. Fiscal responsibility? Does Klein know that California ranks 42nd in the nation in per student educational spending??

Politics at work in parcel tax?
Meadow Vista resident questions Republican opposition to Measure D

By: Ryan Sabalow, Journal Staff Writer
Sunday, March 27, 2005 11:52 PM PST

The recent political upheaval at Sierra College has moved from the hallways of the Rocklin campus to the rolling hills of Meadow Vista.

Meadow Vista resident Judy Creek, the wife of Sierra College Trustee Dave Creek, said Friday the Placer County Republican Party's choice to oppose a Placer Hills Union School District parcel tax is a direct result of meddling from Sierra College trustees Jerry Simmons and Aaron Klein.

Klein and Simmons sit on the Placer County Republican Central Committee and were part of the five-member endorsement committee that recently voted unanimously to oppose Measure D, a $48 annual parcel tax.

Proponents of Measure D say it would help the district ease a budget shortfall that could result in cuts to student programs and the layoff of at least 15 staff members.

"It's politics as a sport," Judy Creek said. "They just rampaged through Sierra College. Now they found the next school to go after."

The idea there's a correlation between the recent turmoil at Sierra College and opposition to the Meadow Vista tax is "silly," said Ken Campbell, chairman of the Placer County Republican Party.

"Come on," Campbell said. "Ask her if she sees black helicopters and G-men behind the trees."

Both Simmons and Klein deny any sort of political maneuvering, saying their party's disdain for taxes and the poor fiscal responsibility within Placer Hills motivated them to oppose the tax.

Klein, a resident of Colfax, whose family lives in Meadow Vista, said anyone who knows him is very much aware he's against raising taxes unnecessarily.

Klein said he was approached by Meadow Vista resident Ben Mavy, who was upset Placer Hills was trying to increase taxes after what he claimed were years of financial mismanagement.

He came to realize Mavy's concerns about Placer Hills had merit, Klein said.

"I'm a Republican," Klein said. "I've been opposed to tax increases a lot longer than I've ever been a trustee at Sierra College."

Judy Creek, herself a registered Republican and former Central Committee member, suggests ulterior motives are at work.

She said it was ironic that the adopted grandson of former Sierra College president Kevin Ramirez attended a Placer Hills school. Ramirez could not be reached for comment Friday to confirm Creek's claim.

"That's about as silly as her pal Rex Bloomfield's conspiracy theories in his editorial the other day," Klein said, referring to Wednesday's guest editorial in the Journal by Bloomfield.

Bloomfield alleged Klein, Simmons and Sierra Trustee Scott Leslie are part of ultra-conservative Republican conspiracy ultimately led by U.S. Rep. John Doolittle, R-Roseville, to take over Placer County.

This isn't the first time a rivalry between the Creeks and Klein has made its way into the public eye.

Judy Creek was Bloomfield's campaign manager in his November campaign for the Placer County District 5 supervisor seat. Klein was campaign manager for Bloomfield's opponent, Bruce Kranz, who won the supervisor race.

Dave Creek was also the first to call for Klein's recall after the newly-elected Sierra College trustee allegedly pressured Ramirez to resign.

After sending e-mails and speaking critically of Ramirez to faculty and staff, Klein filed a complaint with the Placer County Elections Department, stating Ramirez had used unethical means to fund facilities improvement bond measures at the college.

Ramirez denies any wrongdoing, and the complaint has been forwarded to the California Fair Political Practices Commission. The commission has yet to issue a ruling.

Close to a week after Klein filed, Ramirez announced he wished to retire. After nearly a month of closed-door meetings, Ramirez received a $405,000 retirement settlement from the board, along with potentially millions in State of California retirement benefits.

Ramirez is to remain at Sierra College receiving a full salary as president emeritus until this summer, as his replacement, Morgan Lynn, serves as interim president.

Dave Creek was the only Sierra trustee to vote against Ramirez's settlement, saying in earlier interviews it was ironic that Klein, who campaigned for trustee in November on the platform of fiscal responsibility, wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay Ramirez not to work.

Dave Creek declined to comment on the Placer Hills issue, saying he may bring it up at the next Sierra College board meeting.

But Judy Creek said Klein and Simmons are only using area schools to further their political ambitions. They don't care about the communities they serve, she said.

"We just had these guys make a decision that cost taxpayers a half a million bucks - now they're opposing a small, $48-a-year tax," she said. "These guys treat politics like it's a video game.

Aaron Klein and Scott Leslie are seeking reelection to the Sierra College Board of Trustees on November 4, 2008. Thankfully, Jerry Simmons is not seeking reelection. Klein and Leslie are absolutely unqualified for the Board and are on the Board simply because the Placer County Republican Central Committee, the group that even moderate Republicans disown, ponied up $40,000 to buy their seats which were unopposed. There chance of reelection is zero if the voters inform themselves of the backgrounds of these two.