Sunday, April 27, 2008

Placer County District 5 Supervisor Bruce Kranz is as Corrupt as Congressman John T. Doolittle

Big developers have a strangle hold on Placer politics. The Donald Rumsfeld of the Developer Machine is the Supervisor Bruce Kranz, who strong arms county employees, intimidates businessmen to donate to his and Doolittle’s pet causes. He cost taxpayer over $4 million by appointing Michelle Ollar-Burris as a Planning Commissioner. He is the enforcer for the Development Machine in Placer County, Doolittle’s hatchet man. He is ruthless, callous and highly effective; however, he is the last remnant of the corrupt Doolittle machine.

Bruce Kranz was Doolittle’s enforcer at Lake Tahoe, strong-arming businessmen to contribute when Doolittle placed his infamous rider into legislation blocking the sale of Homewood Ski Resort from being sold to the US Forest Service to be enjoyed by the people in perpetuity.

Kranz is a hack, serving only his developer contributors. Kranz must be voted out of office. Placer County is at a crossroads. When Kranz is replaced as District 5 Supervisor, the 5-0 votes by the Placer County Board of Supervisors favoring developers will automatically become 3-2 votes against developers. Voting Kranz off the Board is the first step in giving local government back to locals. The Kranz Cancer must be removed from the Body Politic.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

California Schools and Big Oil‏

In Dubai, the people get free housing, free medical care and $5,000 per month. The people of Dubai share in their country's oil wealth. In Alaska, the people pay NO state taxes and the state government writes every state resident a check every year. The people of the state of Alaska share in their state's oil wealth. In California, big oil companies pump our oil from the ground for free, and then sell it back to us for huge profits. Right now these oil companies are reaping the highest profits of any industry ever in history, making a very few people immensely wealthy. But they are not sharing any of this oil wealth with the people of California. Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez (D-Los Angeles) introduced a bill to make big oil do just that. The bill, which required a two-thirds vote to pass, was defeated on the Assembly floor after Republicans refused to vote for it. The people of California need to understand that a choice was made - by a few Republicans - to continue allowing California to be the only state in the nation that allows oil companies to pump oil from our land and pay us nothing for it. And instead of asking the rich oil companies to share a little, the Republicans want to cut the school budget by another 10%. Assembly Republicans said the Nunez bill was a publicity stunt; that Democrats know that no taxes can pass as long as there is a rule allowing a few Republicans to block the will of the vast majority of California's people. But do the people of California understand this? Do they realize that just a few Republican votes can allow big oil companies to pump oil from California for free - while California's children face ever-worsening schools and more school budget cuts? What is more important here - big oil or well-educated California kids?