Saturday, July 26, 2008

Why I Am a Democrat II

Excerpts paraphrased from Ted Sorensen’s book of the same name.

These are concise statements that can be used in conversations defining your beliefs as a Democrat.

I am a Democrat because I believe

…government should serve the public interest and not simply get out of the way of private interests;

…the federal government can help solve major national problems that are created by the unregulated market and protect states from their darker, less noble impulses;

… the federal government must address the stagnation and decline of wages and benefits, the failure of workers to receive their share of productivity gains, the growing gap between the rich and the rest of America, and the increasingly desperate conditions of the poor;

…an equitable balance among the federal, state and local governments can be achieved without splintering uniform national standards;

…mortgaging the future in order to fund tax cuts and corporate welfare while savaging social insurance and public education is not fair to the young, the poor, the elderly, the unskilled, or the infirm, because a civilized society is measured by how well is cares for its less fortunate members;

…true law and order requires attacking not only crime but its causes and enhancing gun control and providing equal access to the courts and respecting the constitution;

… in strengthening families by increasing their economic opportunities;

…America must honor its international obligations, participate in multilateral organizations and reject unilateralism and isolationism;

…government must give priority to the needy and not to those already sufficiently powerful and affluent to afford lobbyists

George W. Bush, Robin Hood in Reverse

By every index available but one, George W. Bush has been an abject failure as a human being and as a President. For corporate America he is a shining star of success. Since he took office, the compensation for CEO’s of Fortune 500 companies has risen 54 per cent and the price of gasoline has quadrupled with Dick Chaney’s Halliburton and other friendly oil corporations enjoying obscene, manipulated profits.

Bush has finally achieved a level of success his family name provided him Where do the monies for these expenses come from? Does anyone not know?

Bush has succeeded in stealing from the poor and the American taxpayer and giving that pelf to the rich, a Robin Hood in reverse while the Republicans stand mindlessly on the sidelines and cheer his iniquities, watching silently while the children of middle and working class people die pointlessly in the Oil Field Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
He is indeed a many colored Commander-in-Thief.

Why I Am a Democrat

Excerpts paraphrased from Ted Sorensen’s book of the same name.

These are concise statements that can be used in conversations defining your beliefs as a Democrat.

I am a Democrat because I believe that
…government should serve the public interest and not simply get out of the way of private interests;
…the federal government can help solve major national problems that are created by the unregulated market and protect states from their darker, less noble impulses;
… the federal government must address the stagnation and decline of wages and benefits, the failure of workers to receive their share of productivity gains, the growing gap between the rich and the rest of America, and the increasingly desperate conditions of the poor;
…an equitable balance among the federal, state and local governments can be achieved without splintering uniform national standards;
…mortgaging the future in order to fund tax cuts and corporate welfare while savaging social insurance and public education is not fair to the young, the poor, the elderly, the unskilled, or the infirm, because a civilized society is measured by how well is cares for its less fortunate members;
…true law and order requires attacking not only crime but its causes and enhancing gun control and providing equal access to the courts and respecting the constitution;
… in strengthening families by increasing their economic opportunities;
…America must honor its international obligations, participate in multilateral organizations and reject unilateralism and isolationism;
…government must give priority to the needy and not to those already sufficiently powerful and affluent to afford lobbyists.

Finally, Americans Are Awakening to the Cancerous Aberration that is George W. Bush

The great American journalist Walter Lippman wrote, ”The news and the truth are not the same thing.” Our news services are so controlled by big businessesm mainly Fox Noise, controlled by The Ultra-Right Winger Rupert Murdock, which are controlled by Republicans and multi-national corporations, it is very difficult to get a non-Republican slant, let alone the truth.

To get a different perspective on the Bush Abomination in Iraq and Afghanistan and his March of Lies, it is wise to use the internet and visit some global newspapers such as The New Zealand Herald, the Sydney Morning Herald, The Asia Time, The Manchester Guardian, and the London Times to name some. So much of Iraq coverage is misrepresented by our news services, it is shocking to learn the grim truth about the daily slaughter of Americans and Iraqis, the nightmare military life is, and the hatred that Bush’s self-serving, mean-spirited, sucking-up-to- the- rich, business- is- god administration has generated toward us Americans.

We Americans are slowly waking up to the Horror that is George W. Bush. We Americans are basically good honest people,formerly(pre-Bush)loved and admired by the world for our kindness and generosity and, when we wake up to the truth which is different from the news, we will do whatever is necessary to rid our beloved country of this Cancerous Aberration. We are continuing to awaken.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Bruce Kranz, the Ogre on the Placer County Board of Supervisors

Kranz serves Kranz. The general public is aware of Kranz accepting large donations from developers, appointing Michelle Ollar-Burris to the Planning Commission, favoring a gravel company over the people of Meadow Vista, blocking the Homewood Ski Resort sale to the Forest Service and redirecting it to private developers, and his clearing the trail to develop Royal Gorge Ski Resort.

Kranz intimidates Placer County employees. Talking to several Placer County employees who obviously wish to remain anonymous, I have learned county workers fear retaliation from Kranz if their decisions or findings do not favor the person Kranz is currently piloting through the process. Workers feel intimidated, feel pressure to “go along” as opposed to doing what is right and proper. Kranz uses favoritism to bully workers into giving him and his “clients” what they want.

Kranz always tips the tables in his favor. When Kranz is involved, there is never a level playing field because if workers do not do what he wishes, he will find a willing worker, but never forgets the one who would not do his bidding. Policies are manipulated to suit individuals, and decisions are rendered unevenly in Kranz’ favor.

When Kranz is involved, fear is palpable among workers. With layoffs imminent in Placer County, fear of retaliation makes Kranz even more threatening because workers who do not go along fear reprisal.

People would be shocked to learn what type of vehicle demanded Placer County supply him for 24/7 use with a County credit card.

Kranz is like George W. Bush because favoritism always trumps policy.

Kranz is not an administrator so much as a manipulator, an intimidator, a person who ought never to be a Placer County Supervisor.

A Blue Wave In Changing the Political Landscape in the US and Placer County

A blue wave is changing the nation’s political landscape, and Placer County is part of that wave. Congressman John T. “Demagogue” Doolittle has limped off into oblivion in order not to face “something” legal, leaving Bruce Kranz the most unpopular politician, who is on his way out the door also. Jerry Simmons has done the people an egalitarian service by not seeking re-election to the Sierra College Board of Trustee, which leaves just two disposables, Aaron Klein and Scott Leslie, two do-nothings who are running on a niggardly balanced budget claim while the College crumbles before our eyes and the College ranks 62nd out of 62 community colleges in the state or at the very bottom in the ratio of full-time faculty to part-time faculty. The ratio is unconscionable. Sierra College had three consecutive balanced budgets under President Ramirez, whom Klein and Leslie knifed. While these two are on the Board of Trustees, no bond will ever pass the voters, and Sierra will continue to stagnate. They must go.

But the biggest joke is Tom McClintock, scouring the State of California to try to find someplace that will give him a $169,500 sinecure to “cut taxes”; Doolittle’s old job looks like that place. McClintock is a professional hack, who moves around the state trying to pick off any available job, and he believes Ca-04 is ripe for the taking. In a county and state with infrastructure falling apart, the last thing the people need is an elected official whose only vision is to cut taxes, which are the means by which a civilized society remains civilized by providing for its people.

We need a complete elimination of these kinds of representatives in Placer County and in the US. Have the audacity to make the necessary changes in Placer County; defeat Bruce Kranz, Aaron Klein, Scott Leslie and Tom McClintock.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Voting Correctly Will Make Beautiful Auburn Beautiful Politically!

Placer County is one of the most beautiful places on Planet Earth. We should have the best schools, the best welfare system, the best environmental protection, the best recreational facilities, the most egalitarian concerns for our fellows, and the best elected officials, but tragically we do not. With a little tweaking we can help those humanitarians already in office ( Robert Weygandt, Jim Holmes, Mike Holmes) become even better servants of the people.

We have too many citizens who are willing to trade quality of life for financial rewards, who put self-interest ahead of community-interest. We must start somewhere to make our personal concerns for our beautiful area our top priority.

We should all vote for Charlie Brown, a decorated marine and local resident, who lives in Roseville, to fill the soiled office (Ca-04) held by John “Demagogue” Doolittle and Jennifer Montgomery to replace his concierge Bruce Kranz on the Placer County Board of Supervisors, District 5.

A marathon must begin with a first step. Let’s make our beautiful area the kind of place the world will look to as the model of an egalitarian community.

How Long Can the US Constitution Withstand GOP Attempts to Destroy It?

The greatest threat to the survival of the U.S. is not Iran, North Korea or even Al Quaida. It is the Republican Party. Bush’s policies have turned the last great super power into the world’s biggest joke … only no one is laughing. He has disregarded global warming, squandered the Treasury with lack of oversight and cronyism, destroyed habeas corpus and the integrity of voting, and the rule of law ... the list is endless. He has politicized all branches of government.

All Republican presidential candidates except Ron Paul are used fear to be a tougher Bush with no thought to the well-being of the US only the Republicans Party. Bush’s Orwellian doublespeak blinds Republicans to the destruction the GOP has caused, eliminating any desire to change it.

Bush has lost all credibility as a leader, and the U.S. is drifting aimlessly in a very dangerous world. For the U.S. to survive, it must elect a Democratic President (the worst Democratic candidate is many times better than the best Republican), and increase the Democratic majority in both houses of Congress. The U.S. cannot stand another Age of Republican Insanity. How long can the Constitution withstand the assualts of the GOP?

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Placer County District 5 Supervisor Bruce Kranz Costs Placer Taxpayers Big Bucks

District 5 Supervisor Bruce Kranz appointed Michelle Ollar-Burris to the Placer County Planning Commission. She and her husband donated money to his campaign. Michelle Ollar-Burris is being sued by Placer County for having “committed fraud, violated her fiduciary obligations as a planning commissioner and engaged in unfair business practices and alleges that Ollar-Burris and a group of her clients worked together to repeatedly split pieces of land while maintaining the appearance that they were acting independently.” The suit further alleges Ollar-Burris and her clients had committed civil violations of the Subdivision Map Act, which forbids a single person or group working together from splitting a piece of land more than four times without going through the county's subdivision review process.
Bruce Kranz either did not know of Ollar-Burris’ background or knew and did not care. Kranz’s actions are unconscionable; he must be held accountable, and for the millions of dollars he has cost Placer County, and should definitely not be reelected. He no longer has the integrity to be given a public trust. Ignorance or arrogance are not acceptable characteristics of an elected official. The people can send Kranz a message of rejection about his behavior at the next election

Republican Voter Registration in Placer County Dropped 18 % in First Quarter of 2008

The alley catfight between two Republican carpetbaggers locked in a death struggle to replace a sulking Doolittle, retreating into the shades … MS13 graffiti on the Calgary Chapel, maybe a statement about our non-inclusiveness …million dollar lawsuits against Planning Commissioner Michelle Ollar-Burris … Bruce Kranz’s lack of oversight for her appointment and his developer dollars that buy access to our local landscapes their personal profit that are his lifeline … Kranz’s unwillingness to listen to the needs of his constituents:

Could all these behaviors be some of the reasons why voter registration for the Republican Party during the first quarter of 2008 has dropped 17% in California’s reddest county? Republican cannot even get along with each other so they cannibalize themselves and people are outraged by this stupidity.

Can’t we work together to make Placer County a kinder, more honest place to live, do business, raise and educate our children? Let’s start by electing someone other than Bruce Kranz, someone other than a Republican.

Every Vote Matters in Placer County

How many Republicans officeholders in heavily red Placer County are Republicans because they believe in Republican principles or because they simply wanted to get elected? Everyone wants collaborative government.

Imagine what happens if Democrat Charlie Brown replaces Congressman Doolittle and Democrat Jennifer Montgomery replaces Supervisor Bruce Kranz. The Far Right stranglehold on local politics is immediately broken, which will benefit traditional Republicans and Democrats alike by giving us lower-decibel, collaborative government that serves the many not the few.

Democrat Charlie Brown would immediately gain clout for us in the new Democratic administration in Washington, D.C., benefiting us all. He would mature with the new administration and provide us years of honest representation.

If Democrat Jennifer Montgomery replaces Bruce Kranz on the Board of Supervisors, then the usual 5-0 Far Right votes immediately become 3-2 for traditional, and hopefully enlightened, politics. The two already elected traditional board members would not need to throw away their votes; the entire politics of the board would change.

Voters should wager a possibility of enlightened government against a self-serving certainty and vote for Democrats Charlie Brown and Jennifer Montgomery so the national purge reclaiming government for the people will be mirrored here at home.

The Death Penalty is Killing; Thou Shall Not Kill

Every religion has a prohibition against killing: Thou shalt not kill. When a person is executed by a government, he is executed by the people i .e. citizens of the State of California. Each government carries out the will of the people when carrying out an execution. Each of us is one of the people. Whenever a government executes a person, each of us is responsible for that killing … we become murderers collectively and individually. Whether we kill as individuals or as a mob as members of a government, we are still killers. Every time a death penalty is carried out, we citizens are all responsible for that killing.

We have a code of law which is not a code of vengeance, which is quite difference from justice. A code of vengeance (revenge) has never been adopted, only a code of law; we must recognize they are quite different. If a person kills your sister, what you want on the animal level is vengeance … an eye for an eye. We can never teach people not to kill by killing. Vengeance is not justice and every citizen must know the difference.

Defeating Placer County Supervisor Bruce Kranz, Aaron Klein and Scott Leslie and Tom McClintock Will Liberate Occupied Placer County

Freedom from neo-conservatism and international corporate tyranny is now possible if we act decisively. We must look at reality straight on: Republicans are pressuring Governor Schwarznegger to roll back emission laws; McCain pledges to continue Bush’s scorched earth environmental policies and his march toward American Empire. They together have temporarily divided the US from the world.

Locally, we may begin by rejecting Bruce Kranz, the epitome of all that is bad in local government, a puppet of developers and their suppliers. His attempts to undermine Placer Legacy, to turn Meadow Vista over to a gravel company, his complicity in the blocking of Homewood Ski Resort being sold to the Forest Service for the peoples’ benefit, his appointment of Michelle Ollar-Burris to the County Planning Commission combine to show his contempt for us.

With their records of self-service and assassination of Kevin Ramirez, Aaron Klein’s and Scott Leslie’s bids for re-election to the Sierra College Board are laughable.

John Doolittle has sulked off in disgrace opening the door for carpetbagger Tim McClintock to seek his job at the peoples’ expense.

These people care not about our home. Nothing they have ever done has helped the people; reject them

Royal Gorge Developer Gives Money to Placer County Supervisor Bruce Kranz and Other Republicans to Develop Royal Gorge Cross County Ski Resort

Political Contributions by Foster/Syme
Foster/Syme, Royal Gorge LLC, the proponents of the 'conservation' community of green buildings have made the following donations to political campaigns:
Summary for 2006 election:

The Superior California Federal Leadership Fund is the PAC that Rep John Doolittle (R) runs, and was under investigation by federal authorities. Dolittle's wife receives 15% from the fund which, in community property California, means Dolittle could be getting improper campaign donations. Doolittle has since resigned from most all of his federal committee posts, has become somewhat of a pariah in the republican party, and will not be seeking re-election in 2008. (Foster/Syme donations to this PAC in 2006- $7,500)
Richard Pombo (R), who ended up being defeated in the 2006 election, was on the House Resources Committee and was a zealous advocate of major environmental rollbacks -- among them, weakening the Endangered Species Act, drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and the outer continental shelf, selling off national parks and monuments, and changing mining law to allow thousands or even millions of acres of public land to be transferred into private hands. He was the Congressman for the central valley and did not represent the Summit, nor the areas where Foster/Syme live. (Foster/Syme donations in 2006 - $4,200)

Congressman John Doolittle (R) was the representative for the summit area. The League of Conservation Voters gave him a 0% rating on environmental issues, he forced the sale of Homewood Ski area on Lake Tahoe to developers rather than allowing it to revert to the Forest Service by slipping in an addendum to an unrelated bill, and currently has stepped down from the House Appropriations Committee due to ongoing investigations of his campaign practices and close ties to disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramhof. He is the representative where Foster/Syme want to build but not where they live. (Foster/Syme donations to Doolittle campaign in 2006- $5,980)

State Senator Dave Cox (R) is the State Senator (1st district) for the summit. (Foster/Syme donations in 2006- $1,650)

Assemblyman Rick Keene (R) is the State Assemblyman (3rd district) for the summit area west of Soda Springs Rd (where 'Lake Camp' and 'Wilderness Camp' and associated homesites are proposed). (Foster/Syme donations in 2006- $1,650)

Assemblyman Ted Gaines (R) is the State Assemblyman (4th district) for the summit area east of Soda Springs Rd (where 'Ski Camp' and 'Summit Camp' and associated homesites are proposed). (Foster/Syme donations 2006- $1,650, 2007-8 $3,600)

Bruce Kranz (R) is the supervisor for district 5 (the Placer County side of the summit) of Placer County. He is the representative where Foster/Syme want to build but not where they live. Placer County will be the agency that will decide what development Foster/Syme can do. Kranz was unable to win a majority (he came in second) in the 2008 primary for the 5th district seat and will face a runoff with Jennifer Montgomery (she received the most votes) a local Serene Lakes homeowner. (Foster/Syme donations to Kranz- $10,000 in 2006 plus another $10,000 in 2007-08)

Ted Owens (R) is the supervisor for district 5 (the Nevada County side of the summit) of Nevada County. He is the representative where some of what Foster/Syme want to build (and where the summit's sewer plant is), but not where they live. Nevada County does not publish campaign donations so we don't know how much Royal Gorge has contributed.


Contributor: 2006 Contributions: Amount: Contribution to: 2007-8 contributions
Syme 9/22/06 $2,500 Superior California Federal Leadership Fund
Syme 9/30/06 $2,000 Congressman John Doolittle
Syme 10/25/06 $1,100 Richard Pombo
Foster 9/22/06 $5,000 Superior California Federal Leadership Fund
Foster 10/25/06 $1,100 Richard Pombo
Foster 10/24/06 $990 Congressman Doolittle
Royal Gorge LLC 10/25/06 $2,000 Richard Pombo
Royal Gorge LLC 9/30/06 $2,000 Congressman Doolittle
Royal Gorge LLC 10/24/06 $990 Congressman Doolittle
Royal Gorge LLC 10/12/06 $1,650 State Senator Dave Cox
Royal Gorge LLC 10/5/06 $1,650 Assemblyman Rick Keene
Royal Gorge LLC 2/17/06 $1,650 Assemblyman Ted Gaines another $1,800 on 3/6/07
Royal Gorge LLC Assemblyman Ted Gaines another $1,800 on 1/18/08
Royal Gorge LLC 10/5/06 $5,000 Supervisor Kranz another $5,000 3/29/07
Royal Gorge LLC 12/30/06 $5,000 Supervisor Kranz another $5,000 1/24/08

total $32,630 in 2006 $13,600 in 2007-8

The maximum personal donation to a federal candidate is $2,300, and the maximum personal donation to a PAC is $5000.

Our search did not reveal any other donations to federal candidates by Foster/Syme/Royal Gorge LLC in 2006.

Information on contributions to federal candidates available from and information on contributions to State candidates available from County information was not available online but Placer County recently added which contains the campaign contribution filings.

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Placer County and the US need a Complete House Cleaning -Kranz, Klein, Leslie and McClintock Must Go

A blue wave is changing the nation’s political landscape, and Placer County is part of that change. Doolittle has limped off into oblivion in order not to face “something”, leaving Bruce Kranz the most unpopular politician, who is on his way out the door also. Jerry Simmons has done the people an egalitarian service by not seeking re-election to the Sierra College Board of Trustee, which leaves just two disposables, Aaron Klein and Scott Leslie, two do-nothings who are running on a fabricated balanced budget claim. Sierra College had three consecutive balanced budgets under President Ramirez, whom they knifed.

But the biggest joke is Tom McClintock, scouring the land to try to find someplace that will give him a $169,500 sinecure to “cut taxes”; Doolittle’s old job looks like that place. In a county and state with infrastructure falling apart, the last thing the people need is an elected official whose only vision is to cut taxes, which are the means by which a civilized society remains civilized by providing for its people. We need a complete elimination of these kinds of representatives in Placer County and in the US.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Placer County District 5 Supervisor Bruce Kranz Is a Manipulator, not an Administrator, and Must Not Be Re-elected!

Kranz serves Kranz. The general public is aware of Kranz accepting large donations from developers, appointing Michelle Ollar-Burris to the Planning Commission, favoring a gravel company over the people of Meadow Vista, blocking the Homewood Ski Resort sale to the Forest Service and redirecting it to private developers, and his clearing the trail to develop Royal Gorge Ski Resort.

Kranz intimidates Placer County employees. Placer County employees fear retaliation from Kranz if their decisions or findings do not favor the person Kranz is currently piloting through the process. Workers feel intimidated, feel pressure to “go along” as opposed to doing what is right and proper. Kranz uses favoritism to bully workers into giving him and his “clients” what they want. Kranz negates expertise with pressure. Eight employees from the Building Department have just been laid off today, which is a department that Kranz frequents in his attempts to help his developer financial supporters get what they need and ignore regulations and law when convenient..

Kranz always tips the tables in his favor. When Kranz is involved, there is never a level playing field because if workers do not do what he wishes, he will find a willing worker, but never forgets the one who would not do his bidding. Policies are manipulated to suit individuals, and decisions are rendered unevenly in Kranz’ favor.

When Bruce Kranz, District 5 Placer County Supervisor, is involved, fear is palpable among county employees. With layoffs now a reality in Placer County generally and the Building Department specifcially, fear of retaliation makes Kranz even more threatening because workers who do not go along fear reprisal.

Voters would be shocked to learn what kind of vehicle Kranz demanded the County supply him for 24/7 use with a Placer County credit car.

Kranz is like George W. Bush because favoritism always trumps policy, regulations and law.

Kranz is not an administrator so much as a manipulator, an intimidator, a person who ought never to have been a Placer County Supervisor and definitely ought not to be re-elected.