Thursday, July 24, 2008

A Blue Wave In Changing the Political Landscape in the US and Placer County

A blue wave is changing the nation’s political landscape, and Placer County is part of that wave. Congressman John T. “Demagogue” Doolittle has limped off into oblivion in order not to face “something” legal, leaving Bruce Kranz the most unpopular politician, who is on his way out the door also. Jerry Simmons has done the people an egalitarian service by not seeking re-election to the Sierra College Board of Trustee, which leaves just two disposables, Aaron Klein and Scott Leslie, two do-nothings who are running on a niggardly balanced budget claim while the College crumbles before our eyes and the College ranks 62nd out of 62 community colleges in the state or at the very bottom in the ratio of full-time faculty to part-time faculty. The ratio is unconscionable. Sierra College had three consecutive balanced budgets under President Ramirez, whom Klein and Leslie knifed. While these two are on the Board of Trustees, no bond will ever pass the voters, and Sierra will continue to stagnate. They must go.

But the biggest joke is Tom McClintock, scouring the State of California to try to find someplace that will give him a $169,500 sinecure to “cut taxes”; Doolittle’s old job looks like that place. McClintock is a professional hack, who moves around the state trying to pick off any available job, and he believes Ca-04 is ripe for the taking. In a county and state with infrastructure falling apart, the last thing the people need is an elected official whose only vision is to cut taxes, which are the means by which a civilized society remains civilized by providing for its people.

We need a complete elimination of these kinds of representatives in Placer County and in the US. Have the audacity to make the necessary changes in Placer County; defeat Bruce Kranz, Aaron Klein, Scott Leslie and Tom McClintock.


At 2:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It may well be true that the college had three balanced budgets under its former President, but in the three years prior to my election, that wasn't the case.

I'll re-post here what I posted as a comment before:

Hi Shundahai,

I don't know if we've ever met, but I just wanted to share some facts about the Sierra College budget.

Here are the numbers:

2001-02: Deficit of $437,449
2002-03: Deficit of $24,809
2003-04: Deficit of $395,906

2004-05: Surplus of $502,883
2005-06: Surplus of $107,733
2006-07: Surplus of $1,387,863
2007-08: Surplus of $27,799*

(*2007-08 projected as the books aren't closed)

I firmly believe that balanced budgets and fiscal discipline result in increased access to education, which is my passion and why I am serving at Sierra College.

Best regards,
Aaron Klein


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