Defeating Placer County Supervisor Bruce Kranz, Aaron Klein and Scott Leslie and Tom McClintock Will Liberate Occupied Placer County
Freedom from neo-conservatism and international corporate tyranny is now possible if we act decisively. We must look at reality straight on: Republicans are pressuring Governor Schwarznegger to roll back emission laws; McCain pledges to continue Bush’s scorched earth environmental policies and his march toward American Empire. They together have temporarily divided the US from the world.
Locally, we may begin by rejecting Bruce Kranz, the epitome of all that is bad in local government, a puppet of developers and their suppliers. His attempts to undermine Placer Legacy, to turn Meadow Vista over to a gravel company, his complicity in the blocking of Homewood Ski Resort being sold to the Forest Service for the peoples’ benefit, his appointment of Michelle Ollar-Burris to the County Planning Commission combine to show his contempt for us.
With their records of self-service and assassination of Kevin Ramirez, Aaron Klein’s and Scott Leslie’s bids for re-election to the Sierra College Board are laughable.
John Doolittle has sulked off in disgrace opening the door for carpetbagger Tim McClintock to seek his job at the peoples’ expense.
These people care not about our home. Nothing they have ever done has helped the people; reject them
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