Let's Neutralize the Placer County Supervisor Bruce Kranz Slime Factor
Actions speak louder than words. Kranz has been trying to shoehorn a 2,200 house subdivision into Foresthill. At political events, the paid representatives of the Forest Ranch project are right by his side and have contributed to his political war chest. In his literature, Kranz says he wants to stop excessive development and protect open space. So why is the Forest Ranch subdivision even being considered when it converts open space to thousands of new homes?
Kranz thinks that he can hide the fact that he's taken over $300,000in political contributions from developers. He thinks we're so gullible that we won't notice that he voted for every development project while on the board. Let's show Kranz we're smart enough not to believe his duplicitous campaign. It's time to Dump Doolittle's crony Kranz.
After he is dumped, Jennifer Montgomery will replace the Kranz slime with a new era of morning sunlight washing our area in freshness and clean government.
I'm Jen's brother (in Korea and despite my username), and I'm googling her campaign.
Keep fighting!
Yup. You know what the other Charlie (Brown) says... "keep fighting or the bad guys win."
Anybody who's ever watched Kranz in action at a public hearing, when he sends these manipulative emails out to supporters beforehand to get them to show up, and pretends to really care about them as they cry and carry on about how they'll go broke if they can't develop their properties, knows what a sleaze he is.
And he and Doolittle keep on pushing that ridiculous Auburn Dam over the earthquake fault thing, STILL, acting as if the Bureau of Rec and the Army Corps of Engineers haven't ever done any feasibility studies lately, showing the project would not only cost at least 10 billion but the water is already being used to form the pool behind Folsom Dam downstream.
The Republicans seem to equate patriotism with bad bad bad pubic works projects done on somebody else's bond money.
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