Saturday, July 26, 2008

Finally, Americans Are Awakening to the Cancerous Aberration that is George W. Bush

The great American journalist Walter Lippman wrote, ”The news and the truth are not the same thing.” Our news services are so controlled by big businessesm mainly Fox Noise, controlled by The Ultra-Right Winger Rupert Murdock, which are controlled by Republicans and multi-national corporations, it is very difficult to get a non-Republican slant, let alone the truth.

To get a different perspective on the Bush Abomination in Iraq and Afghanistan and his March of Lies, it is wise to use the internet and visit some global newspapers such as The New Zealand Herald, the Sydney Morning Herald, The Asia Time, The Manchester Guardian, and the London Times to name some. So much of Iraq coverage is misrepresented by our news services, it is shocking to learn the grim truth about the daily slaughter of Americans and Iraqis, the nightmare military life is, and the hatred that Bush’s self-serving, mean-spirited, sucking-up-to- the- rich, business- is- god administration has generated toward us Americans.

We Americans are slowly waking up to the Horror that is George W. Bush. We Americans are basically good honest people,formerly(pre-Bush)loved and admired by the world for our kindness and generosity and, when we wake up to the truth which is different from the news, we will do whatever is necessary to rid our beloved country of this Cancerous Aberration. We are continuing to awaken.


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