Wednesday, June 20, 2007

W Stands for Waste

W stands for Waste. Here is what Dubya has wasted: the
goodwill of world after 9/11;
lives of 3,600 Americans;
lives of 700,000 Muslims;
honor of our presidency;
credibility of our government at home and abroad;
rule of law by implementing 750 Signing Statements he believes exempt him from the law of the land;
his honesty by lying about the reasons for going to war with Iraq and everything else he says;
system of justice by politicizing the Department of Justice;
integrity of our system of government by legitimizing torture;
over $500 billion and still growing on a catastrophic war;
our military;
future of our children and grandchildren by running up a $ 7 trillion US credit card debt ;
Republican Party so that what is left of it must be searched for with tweezers;
once-supreme court by appointing two right wing zealots who put politics before justice;
American love in treating people with the graciousness that makes Americans universally loved i. e. the Berlin Airlift, the Peace Core, the Marshall Plan, the Carter Center’s work in Africa, Doctors without Borders, the Gates Foundation,
And, most of all,
The time it will take the American people to once again regain the love and admiration of the world once the Waster is gone.

Pelosi Must Find Courage to Impeach Bush and Cheney

Nancy Pelosi is not only the first woman Speaker of the House but also an outstanding leader. She does, however, have a blind spot: her refusal to impeach Bush and Cheney. Daniel Ellsberg said, “If you want Bush out of Iraq, get serious about impeachment.” The people gave the Democrats a mandate to get us out of Iraq. Bush will never willingly leave Iraq; he knows only what he knows --staying the course. Even though he renounced that idea publicly, he has never changed from it. Doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome is one definition of insanity. Many cities and state legislatures have already voted for impeachment. Mrs. Pelosi therefore must find the courage to carry out the will of the people and impeach both Cheney and Bush; she will then be our President and can immediately extricate us from Iraq. She must be strong enough to handle the Republican Armageddon that will follow impeachment. So doing will get us out of Iraq and give us the next great Democratic President, tempered in the fires of the ensuing political turmoil of a principled stand for the people.
Sent to Tahoe Daily Tribune on June 16, 2007

Nancy Pelosi is not only the first woman Speaker of the House but also an outstanding leader. She does, however, have a blind spot: her refusal to impeach Bush and Cheney. Daniel Ellsberg said, “If you want Bush out of Iraq, get serious about impeachment.” The people gave the Democrats a mandate to get us out of Iraq. Bush will never willingly leave Iraq; he knows only what he knows --staying the course. Even though he renounced that idea publicly, he has never changed from it. Doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome is one definition of insanity. Many cities and state legislatures have already voted for impeachment. Mrs. Pelosi therefore must find the courage to carry out the will of the people and impeach both Cheney and Bush; she will then be our President and can immediately extricate us from Iraq. She must be strong enough to handle the Republican Armageddon that will follow impeachment. So doing will get us out of Iraq and give us the next great Democratic President, tempered in the fires of the ensuing political turmoil of a principled stand for the people.