Monday, February 18, 2008

John McCain's Pandering and Flip-Flopping Make Him Unfit to Be President

There was a time when John McCain was moderate enough to garner votes from voters from both parties. Now he appeals to neither. Because McCain has lost all sense of integrity, having surrendered his dignity long ago. In 2001, McCain was one of just two GOP senators to vote against Bush’s destructive tax cuts. Now McCain makes a point of bragging about his support for making Bush’s tax cuts permanent. Recently McCain has been declaring that passing an economic package is at the very top of his agenda. But when the Senate voted earlier this month on a bill to provide assistance to seniors and veterans, McCain skipped the vote. The bill fell short by just one vote - McCain's. In the 2000 presidential campaign, Karl Rove launched vicious smear tactics against McCain on behalf of the Bush campaign. But McCain has now embraced Rove, saying that he has always respected Karl Rove as one of the great political minds in American politics. McCain as a serious presidential candidate has flipped and flopped like a hooked trout on a variety of issues from same gender marriage to the confederate flag. McCain led the battle against Dick Cheney on torture, even though it cost him donations, votes and endorsements. Recently, McCain was out pandering in force, supporting the torture of political prisoners (a de facto extension of support for these techniques to be used on American troops as well), so that his "principles" would not cost him a single "donation, vote, or endorsement."
When he found himself cash strapped, he even took money from the Swift Boat Veterans For Truth, the same group he has called "dishonest and dishonorable." And McCain has done a complete about face on the religious right He once called the religious right "agents of intolerance." Recently he stooped to deliver the commencement address at the late Jerry Falwell's Liberty University. Pandering is what McCain does best.

Friday, February 15, 2008

This Matter of Trust

No political party that nominated George W. Bush and did what they did to get him "elected" twice should ever again be charged with the public trust.

California, the United States and the world should never again be forced to pay such a price.

Huckabee and Romney - Faith-Based Politics and Science Fiction

Romney and Huckabee bickering about religion is nothing more than faith-based politics running amok. After eight years of King George, who would have thought religion would have been so marginalized?

Baptist leader Robert Jeffress may have a valid point regarding Romney
when he said, "Even though Romney talks about Jesus as his Lord and
Savior, he is not a Christian. Mormonism is not Christianity; Mormonism is a cult."

According to Mormon scripture, God and Jesus (called Jehovah in the Old
Testament), appeared to Joseph Smith somewhere in New York. God told Joseph Smith that Christian teachings were all wrong, their creeds were an abomination in his sight, their ministers and theologians were corrupt charlatans. Clear enough. They're not Christians.

During a debate the Huckster asked the Mitten if Jesus and the Devil
were brothers. Huck later apologized for what was assumed to be a cheap

Being an observant devout Mormon, Mitt Romney knows full well that Jesus and Satan are indeed two of God's many sons. I should not have asked for or needed an apology. Yes. They are brothers. In fact, when God accepted his favorite son Jesus' divine plan for humankind rather than his other son Satan's divine plan, Satan went sour, revolted against Heaven and was hurled out to become the ruler of Hell.

Mitt also knows that a lost tribe of biblical Hebrews sailed to
America. Their descendants are known as American Indians (in Mormon dogma, they're called "Lamanites"- bad Jews). Romney knows that Jesus Christ once materialized in New York where he announced he would found his Heavenly Kingdom in Independence, Missouri. Mitt knows that obedient Mormon men can become Gods, with their own planet in outer space, just as the formerly-human God the Father does - on his own home planet of Kolob. Mormons believe there are three Gods; that God embraced integration in 1978 (before which people of black African ancestry we cursed by God). Mormons scripture says the Prophet Brigham Young visited the moon where he found kindly tall people who dress like Quakers, and where each day is 1,000 years long. Romney believes that God finally repudiated thousands of years of polygamy just so Utah could become a state. So God seems to serve the Mormons' cause not vice versa

This Mormon nonsense is not at all like the Huckster's rational, orthodox Christian beliefs. Huck knows that God, disguised as a ghost, raped a Palestinian virgin peasant girl, and then abandoned her to raise his son alone. And that son grew up to be a sort-of guru/faith healer who promised to make his country into a theology and kick out the
imperialist occupation forces, but instead was executed by the occupiers for being an insurgent, and then his reanimated corpse was seen eating some fish, visiting his former students and flying up into the sky saying, "I'll be back."
So what is the lesson to be learned from all this, the moral?
Real Christians are rational in the same way all science fiction fanatics are rational. Unchristian Mormons are gullible dupes of another version of the same science fiction dogma. Is this a big difference? One religion could just as easily believe in the Easter Bunny and the other religion could believe in the Easter Bunny’s brother.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Bush, the Teflon Coated Serial Felon

Yeah, yeah... I know. Hey! Maybe the Demos think the Republicons will likewise ignore their felonies, too. Yeah, that's it! (Not).

I think it depends on how you define "felony" - and redefining rotten behavior is an avoidance scam the Bushites have nailed down to an art.

Remember, citizen - if you can't lie your way out of trouble or blame it on others, you can always redefine it so you are technically innocent. Torture? What torture? We don't do no stinkin' torture! Waterboarding is simply an aggressive 'harsh interrogation' technique. And please don't call it domestic spying. It's an 'increased homeland electronic security enhancement' cooperative program with our patriotic telecommunications allies. Sieg! Heil!

Remember that Bush's daddy was Reagan's uber-kommissar of the state security and loyalty apparatus, and the CIA's called its assassination program in Vietnam "termination with extreme prejudice." Really. You can't make this stuff up. But the CIA sure can.

Then, if all else fails, there's always the executive pardon. Think of it as a form of noblesse oblige. (Nice work, Scooter!)

Bushites commit felonies daily with Impunity? Damn! I didn't know that Sen. Daily W. Impunity (R-TX) was in on it, too. I'm shocked, SHOCKED! Have they no shame at all?