Sunday, February 17, 2013

Vote No to Save America? And by Voting NO You Are Destroying the Greatest Civilization the World Had Ever Known

Vote not on everything as your whole reason for being.  Vote NO on education.  Vote NO on highways.  Vote NO on having a police force to stand against anarchy.  Vote NO on helping those human beings who cannot help themselves.  Vote NO on providing funds to keep our civilization going because the cost of civilization is much too high; democracy is very messy and difficult so Vote NO on living in a civilized society.  Vote NO on gun control because you are too stupid to see that the NRA is the whore for the munitions industry and cares nothing for the Second Amendment that has been perverted by the decision of a Right Wing Once-Supreme Court to define "a well regulated militia " to mean every whacko who can attend a gun show.  Vote NO because you are to stupid to see that voting Republican is indeed voting against your own best interest unless you a billionaire who owns a corporation, which pays no taxes by headquarting offshore in the Cayman Islands, Switzerland or some other tax dodge.

But, the best reason is to Vote NO on the future for your children because you are too stupid to see that your NO vote will severely compromise their futures in every possible way.

Vote NO because you are stupid enough to buy the shuck your leaders feed you.
And your fundamentalist Christians are in the Republican Party because the NeoCons were told by three Presidents to get "boots on the ground' to be listened to so they made deals with your fundamentalist religious leaders who delivered you to the Republican Party, in violation of the separation of Church State Doctrine, in return for some platforms in the Party.  Then when your leaders found out the NeoCons laughed at their willingness to sign all of you on-board  it was too late because you peons could not separate yourselves from being pigeons and are still stuck in the Republican Party, which laughs at and mocks your stupidity while collecting your vote.

So keep Voting NO on everything because you do not have the intelligence to see how your leaders continue to manipulate you with the old saws of Guns, God and Gay.  They will let you keep your guns and talk to God on your behalf and the Gays are the scapegoats for all world evil, which is a very neat lie.

I know I am wasting my time writing this, but I have lots of time.


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