Thursday, February 08, 2007

King George and His Kingdom of US

King George continues turning our republic into a unitary executive i.e. monarchy. Attorney General Gonzales stated he was not sure if Congress had a role in the unitary executive. King George has signed over 700 signing statements, exempting himself from any law. Now he has implemented an executive order stating that each agency must have a regulatory policy office run by his political appointee, to supervise the development of rules and documents providing guidance to regulated industries. Bush thereby gives himself complete control of all government agencies and dictates what directives come out of every agency.

This order is a shameless power grab to offset his loss of Congress Nov 7. It is unconstitutional so Bush has created a constitutional crisis between two branches of government, diverting attention from Iraq. This order attempts to dissolve the power of the legislative into the executive branch. Oversight Chairman Henry Waxman said, “The executive order allows the political staff at the White House to dictate decisions on health and safety issues, even if the government’s own impartial experts disagree. This is a terrible way to govern, but great news for special interest.” Once again Bush reprehensibly favors the moneyed few over the many.


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