Friday, December 21, 2007

This Scapegoat Finds a Real Goat

Republican candidates for president are at best an undistinguished lot. When the administration was deceitfully beating the drums for war against Iran, they outdid each other being the most bellicose. When the NIE report concluded Iran had stopped enriching uranium in 2003, they all concentrated on vilifying immigrants for destroying our health care system, trading one lie for another.

Now Bush and the Republican candidates are attempting to obfuscate the truth of the NIE report, as they did with Global Warming, by creating a faux-debate in people’s minds where no debate exists. They cannot refute the truth, so they create a debate around the truth.

If our health care system is broken, it is NOT by immigrants. Republicans have broken it by giving it to corporate America, whose goal is to increase profits not improve health care. Republicans’ goal to privatize the US for personal profit does no individual any good service ever because it enriches only corporate America.

Republicans, vilifying immigrants as the cause of our broken health care system, are laughably tragic. It is nothing more than Republicans employing Lee Atwood’s Southern Strategy of creating a scapegoat to take the focus off themselves, the real perpetrators.


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