Saturday, October 25, 2008

Proposition 8 Supporter Pervert Jesus' Teachings

Voting to take away marriage rights from one segment of the population in the name of religious beliefs restricts the term “religion” to only those communities who wish to retain the power to preach to the world that the God they worship approves of their lives but not of the lives of others."
It is religious people who put their own narrow sguints above the public good and try to legislate from the pulpit that give fundamentalists such a bad name. They twist the teachings of Jesus to fit their own small-minded, tunnel vision.
Where in the Bible is one utterance by Jesus condemning homosexuality? Jesus embraced lepers and prostitutes; he certainly would embrace and love all his people. Only shallow, smug, self-serving people would ever dream of supporting an outrage such as Proposition 8. These people have the audacity and stupidity to call themselves Christians. Jesus would writhe in pain understanding what they are trying to do in his name. These people cheapen and bebase the teachings of Jesus Christ and constitute one of the sorriest offshots of Jesus' teachings and, more importantly, a perversion of his teachings.


At 6:02 PM , Blogger Susan said...

Here's a letter I sent that, of course was never printed, since it's true:

Here's a Prop. 8 letter that may alienate me from both sides. I’m Yes on 8, but think heterosexuals and homosexuals should have the same rights. I also want everyone to have freedom to choose and live by their own values. Unless someone can tell me that people will be free to choose to provide service or not to homosexuals and heterosexuals without fear of being sued, I’ll vote Yes on 8. Remember the fertility doctor in San Diego, sued for refusing services to a lesbian couple? Here’s an odd analogy, but it works: if you go to a Chinese restaurant and want Mexican food, you don't sue the Chinese place for not having Mexican; you find a Mexican place. No one should be forced to provide services to homosexuals (or heterosexuals) if it goes against their personal values. Nor should they be sued for it. On a No on 8 site I conversed with a gentleman. He agreed if Prop. 8 doesn't pass there will be much litigation, but felt the pros of homosexual marriage outweighed any cons. If homosexuals don’t have the same rights, let's fix that another way. Don't redefine marriage thus forcing homosexual values on everyone.

At 6:03 PM , Blogger Susan said...

Here's another wonderful viewpoint:

Why do gays and lesbians fight to redefine marriage?
I have no problem with them wanting medical coverage for their spouse, I have no problem with them wanting visitation when one of them is in the hospital. But yet they struggle to redefine an existing institution.
Blacks don't fight to be called white, Grocery stores don't fight to be called florist, and women don't fight to be called men.
These things are what they are by their very nature, each are similar to the other but with one decidedly different characteristic. And so they are named differently. Each enjoys similar rights and liberties and is protected by laws.
Instead they act as if they are at war with the rest of humanity, all because of the fact that "God created marriage" they want to be included, I understand this, we all want to be included, in fact all of this has little to do with being included in the human world. Most of us are compromising enough to give a lot of latitude.
This is a selfish war against God and Christianity. Their real beef is with God not what he created, or who he created and gave his blessing to. In essence this is a Cain and Able story. Why fight and kill something because you didn't receive a formal blessing as well? As God said, why are you so angry? Why do you look so dejected? You will be accepted if you do what is right, but if you refuse to do what is right, then watch out! Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and become its master.
Today the offerings are different, one marriage, one civil union (or whatever name they want to give it). Two very different unions but unions just the same and that can be honored in the same way. But still with on very special difference. So let that difference be known by its name, like everything else in nature and in this world.
The gay and lesbian community stands on a historic moment, to go forth with a sense of pride, take this opportunity as chance to create a new union with new traditions specific to the type of union that it is. And chance to blaze new trails in law and in history. Redefine their place in this world and gain ground, not deal with semantics and jargon.
A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet

At 7:03 AM , Blogger Shundahai said...

Thanks for your comments, Susan.


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