Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Southern Strategy Used by the Right Is An Attack on Obama

The Southern Strategy being used by the Republican Party to blatantly attacking President Obama’s Blackness is manifesting itself in many ways. Saying at demonstrations at Town Meetings, “Give us back our country” is an Atwaterism that really says give us back our country from a Black President. The despicability factor of the Republican fringes indeed has no lower limit.

The issue is that the entire Republican Party’s attack on President Obama is really an attack on the American people because he is trying to pass a health reform passage that benefits all Americans, stabilize our economy which was disabilized in large part by the Bush Administration appointing insiders to oversight committees and agencies which allowed Wall Street to pick the US Treasury and the people clean, and he is trying to re-establish the position of the United States in the world as a world partner not the neocons view that the United States has a responsibility to lead the world at any cost to any nation.

Most people can see clearly the self-serving, obstructionist behavior and further marginalize a GOP that is almost already over the horizon.

The GOP fringe behavior further weakens the effectiveness of our government because we need a strong, ethical GOP as the voice of the loyal opposition; the GOP obviously cares more about the party than it does about the country and its people.


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