Another, and There Are Many, Bush Failure
Dubya has been a failure in every undertaking from his academic non-achievement at Yale through his oil ventures, the Texas Ranger baseball involvement to his stolen presidency. Cheney’s name calling in the Senate is very revealing that even one of Dubya’s brain is short-circuiting in the worldwide mess he created. Dubya, sitting blankly and helplessly in the Florida classroom after receiving word of the Twin Towers attack, is symbolic of his paralysis when he does not have Cheney telling him what to do.
A regime shrouded in secrecy will die from that secrecy. Even the much-ballyhooed return of Iraqi alleged Sovereignty was done in a secret ceremony. The Bushites would not risk their skins in a daylight ceremony and are incapable of controlling the insurgency they created in Iraq.
Terrorism was unknown in Iraq under Saddam. Iraqis fear daily for the safety of their families. How are they better off? Iraq, as all thinking people knew, would be the magnifying glass that allowed the world to see yet another Dubya failure .. with the effects, worldwide and castatrophic.
Because of Dubya’s complete failure in Iraq, with no idea except stay the course, he has finally called in Jim Baker, the savior of Bush family bacon, to fashion an Iraq Plan. Baker’s summoning signals the complete lack of any rationality coming from this pathetic administration.
Isn’t it time to hold Dubya, Cheney, Wolfowitz and the other neocons accountable on the world stage for their murderous plan, Pax Americana?
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