Is The Inquisition Upon Us?
Beheadings are subhuman actions. They are more commonly associated with The Inquisition, a time of rampant religious intolerance. We immediately condemn the killers as savages and barbarians, which they definitely are.
But, also, we must remember that Dubya made violence a part of his foreign policy, when, like a Texas gunslinger, he bellowed,”Osama bin Ladin - Dead or Alive!” With that outburst he authorized murder as Bush Administration policy. He must share responsibility for the violent world he helped create for all of us and for the hatred directed at all Americans as a result of his policies. The headlines in a McClatchy newspaper note Dubya saying, “I Never Ordered torture!.” Who believes this man who has cried wolf many time too many. He has lied so consistently that only those blinded by party loyalty believe him.
While making the lie the bulwark of his administration, violence and brutality his foreign policy, and the emptying of the United Treasury his economic policy, Dubya has undermined the American psyche with fear, and made his the most loathed regime on earth … all this in five years
Ask yourself, what might he inflict on us over the rmaining two years of his regime? A New Inquisition of violence and religious intolerance? Perhaps burnings at the stake and drawing and quarterings? Can America and the world handle more of his madness?
Picture the next two years with Iraq in civil war and the corruption of his regime running rampant, our armed forces in disarray and our treasury empty.
Our only hope is our vote in November to change the makeup of the House and vote for impeachment.
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