Thursday, October 12, 2006

Are We As Stupid As the Bushites Think

The Bushites think we are the stupidest collection of humanity in the history of the world. They believe that we will believe any lie they tell and any action they perform we will accept because we are like Dubya 1) non-readers; 2) evangelicals who believe God will look out for us through them because they are God’s agents on earth; and 3) believe we have a Manifest Destiny to arbitrarily decide when any sovereign nation should be invaded for whatever ridiculous reason they can get the people to believe at the time, and then, change that reason as the situations change. Many, sheep like, have accepted the lies.

The Bushites believe that we are as stupid, sanctimonious, and uninformed as they are so we, like them, will rely on a higher power to guide us/them. The inflexible stupidity of the Bushites can only be matched by the supporter who mindlessly supports them because they tell him to do so. Let’s hope that for once “the smug, chinkless face of stupidity” does not triumph and zealots learn to see through Dubya’s barrage of lies.

The Bible and Fox News are not the only sources for enlightenment


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