It Must Be Legal If They Do It
Another trait that Doolittle and Dubya share is their scorn for the law. If they do it, it is legal. Dubya has added over seven hundred exclusions to laws passed by Congress excepting his presidency for their jurisdiction. Of course, so doing is illegal and unconstitutional, but King George is above the law. Doolittle’s ethics were never even what are legal. He simply justifies to himself what he does i.e. his wife accepting money from Jack Abramoff that came directly from the Agua Caliente Indians, for whom Doolittle and his wife did nothing. His behavior brings disgrace to his constituents, his church and to our area. California is one of the bluest states in the Union, yet we are forced to endure the immorality of two of the most aberrant politicians, neither of whom represents their people.
Dubya stole two elections, one a gift from the Once-Supreme Court and the other through electronic voter machine manipulations by Ken Blackwell in Ohio and Jeb Bush in Florida. Doolittle was initially elected by his manipulation of his election, for which he received the largest fine at the time by the FPPC. Returning ethics to our Republic will require us to think morally.
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