Thursday, October 12, 2006

Doolittle Still Believes WMD’s are in Iraq

Dumping Doolittle has become more realistic with the only recent poll showing Doolittle dead even with his Democratic challenger. In a district in which Republicans have a 5-3 advantage, this poll, paid for by his challenger, shows that many Republicans are not supporting Doolittle. In order to dump Doolittle, many ethical and moral Republicans (between ten and thirty thousand ) must refuse to support Doolittle. This poll indicates they are doing just that with organizations such as Republicans for Brown and many elected Republicans refusing to endorse him.

Richard Robinson, Doolittle’s Campaign Director and Chief of Staff, presents another moral (immoral) issue for Doolittle. Robinson, and all the other paid staffers working for Doolittle’s campaign, are paid for by the taxpayers. Even if this practice is part of the Washington culture of corruption, in his heavily tainted tenure one would expect Doolittle to clean up his act, but he has not done so. Since he has not returned any of the Abramoff or Wilkes money, one can hardly expect him not to use taxpayers’ money to misrepresent taxpayers. Taxpayers are paying for the reelection of a congressman who never represents them, and who in supporting the Auburn Dam, works directly against their wishes. President Bush flew to California to raise money for Doolittle and in so doing spent several millions of dollars of taxpayers’s money to support two corrupt Republican Congressmen; Richard Pombo is the other. Bush’s actions are as immoral as Doolittle’s.

Doolittle willingly accepted the $200, 000 in contributions from a California defense contractor, a co-conspirator who was not indicted in the bribery case against Randy “Duke” Cunningham, and from Jack Abramoff who pleaded guilty in January to conspiring to corrupt public officials. Most of the lawmakers either returned their donations from Abramoff and Wilkes or donated them to charity. Doolittle has done neither.

Doolittle spent over $1,000,000 on his primary against a popular fellow Republican. With the several scandals swirling around him, only the hardcore extremists will donate to his campaign. Returning Doolittle to office guarantees that President Bush and his fascist Neocon administration will once again have one of their most ardent lapdogs supporting their plan for world domination as outlined in their Project for a New American Century and their Orwellian plan for endless war, based on the constant drumbeat of creating fear in the American people. Like this administration everything with Doolittle is spin not substance.

People are awakening to the corruption, immorality and misrepresentation of the people and the steadfast support of the Bush administration that results if Doolittle is reelected. In his only scheduled debate with Charlie Brown on October 11, Doolittle said that when he voted for war, he believed the weapons of mass destruction that formed the major argument for invading Iraq existed and may have been moved to Syria.

"I believe they existed and they exist today and we'll find them there," he said.

Our world will be a better world for all peoples of the world when Charlie Brown replaces Doolittle.


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