Replace John Doolittle with a Person of Integrity
Congressman John T. Demagogue Doolittle is the epitome of a politician gone awry. He is unprincipled, has a personal not a public political agenda that is not his but that of his developer handlers, those who provide the money to offset his abysmal record to buy his office. He is the epitome of Eliot’s Hollow Man.
He will do and say anything, spin any incident to achieve the ends of his handlers, to build the Auburn Dam. Whenever a butterfly flies over Auburn, he spins it as destiny saying we must build the Dam. He entered into an agreement with the late Robert Matsui not to build the dam. Now he breaks his word to a dead man and the public, and he once again is maneuvering to build the dam. He does not represent the people of the Fourth Congressional District. He is not a man who represents the well-being of his constituents.
He is funded almost totally by developers, serves them at the expense of the people of his district. He is a shell of a man, devoid of honesty, integrity, and honor. He has never been, nor will he ever be the representative of the people of his congressional district
For the people of the Fourth Congressional District to ever have representation in Washington, Doolittle must be replaced by a person of integrity.
Honest Republicans have formed Republicans for Brown to try to replace him. Good may triumph over evil ... once again.
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