Thursday, October 12, 2006

The US Must Be Returned to World Moral Leadership

Dubya not only lied about the reasons for going to war with Iraq, but he also continues to lie about how he fights a war with too few troops. The American people have reached their limit in supplying their sons and daughters as cannon fodder for Dubya’s Oil Field Wars so he has simply hired mercenaries.

Secretly, he has hired at least twenty- five thousand mercenaries to fight his Oil Field Wars because Rummy’s military is too small. These mercenaries have been hired without public debate and operate illegally under such names as Blackwater USA and Triple Canopy. These guns-for-hire commit atrocities with no accountability and further undermine the morale of our service people who are risking their lives in Dubya’s Deadly Debacle. They are paid from 400 to $700 a day while our sons and daughter in the military are paid a fraction of that. Sixty to eighty companies supply mercenaries to this administration (which represents the United States to the rest of the world) giving more reasons for the world to hate us. They operate as a private killing force FOR THIS FASCIST REGIME. Although no firm number is available, the guess is that more American mercenaries have been killed than all the other “coalition” forces combined.
These mercenaries are just another example of the duplicity of Dubya. Sadly, we are the recipients of his immorality, lying and bungling.

Our only course of action is to impeach Dubya for high crimes and misdemeanors by voting for non-republicans in the 2006 Congressional Election. We must return the US to its former state as a moral leader of the world with an ethic and a conscience.


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