Thursday, October 12, 2006

Dubya's Worst Sin

Of all the sins that Dubya is guilty of, the worst is his inability to see other human beings as human beings, his inability to empathize with individuals. Like any tyrant he is only concerned with his rightness and everyone else’s wrongness. He cannot accept the possibility that he is wrong, and he is almost always wrong. Like any tyrant he cannot see beyond his own self-interest to what is good for the world. He cannot tolerate opposition and necessarily surrounds himself with sycophants who validate his madness for personal gain. When a tyrant is totally lacking in humanity and intelligence, he necessarily demands blind loyalty. Dubya’s entire administration is peopled with zealots who have only Dubya’s agenda as their agenda with no thought for the common good.

The question is how so many people can vote against their own best interests by electing Dubya. Informed people know that like any tyrant Dubya undermined both elections and is the Faux-President turning American Democracy into The World’s Greatest Joke and the United States into the Home of Hypocrisy. It is obvious why Dubya is universally loathed.

Germany survived a tyrant; will America be that fortunate?


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