Bush Plans to Invade Iran to Correct the Iraq Debacle
The neocons in the Dubya Regime are firmly fixed on invading Iran inspite of the complete failure of their War on Iraq. Remember the neocon plan drafted in 1996 by the lunatics at the American Enterprise Institute. First, conquer Aphganistan, then Iraq, then Iran, then Syria and finally Saudi Arabia to make the world safe for Israel.
People laughed at the insanity of the their plan.
No one had a reason to invade Iraq. So Dubya manufactured one while the neocons(Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz. Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, and Donald Feith chorused, “What he say! What he say!” and led the US into the quagmire of Iraq.
Now Michael Ledeen of the far right National Review writes, “Our diplomats have it wrong. (General Ricardo) Sanchez and (Tachlo Khodr) Najmeddine(official spokesmen for the Kurds) are reliable sources. We will never get a firm grip on Iraq until the regime is changed in Tehran.” Follow the logic. We must invade Iran to correct their Iraq mistake.
As long as Dubya is in office, the lunacy of the neocons will be US foreign policy. People laughed when the neocons said we must invade Iraq to continue their dream of pax americana.
No one is laughing now.
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