Saturday, October 14, 2006

I Am Shocked, Shocked That ....

I am shocked… shocked to hear Senator John Kerry said the current Republicans administration is " the most crooked lying group I’ve ever seen." What could the man be thinking? Republicans .. liars? Shocking. I am shocked to hear David Kuo say the Bushites simply used the religious right for their votes and called them nuts and fools, shocked that Bob Woodward says the Bushites are in a state of denial. They cannot see the truth while the rest of the world can.

Let’s see … maybe Kerry was referring to Dubya’s claim about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, the cost of his Medicare package not being $400 billion but $540 billion, the jobs market’s increase of 2.6 million jobs this year when only 21,000 have been realized, his full time honorable service in the Texas National Guard, his innocence of the same business practices at Hearken Oil that Kenny Boy Lay is not being charged with at Enron, that Enron is not still the largest corporate donor to Dubya’s political career, that Dick Cheney has no connection with the honorable American corporation Halliburton and really enjoys spending his Vice Presidency hiding in his own private spiderhole while being paid by both the taxpayers and Halliburton, or that the Republican Party really cares about the average American …to quickly name a few.

All these lies are old business, and we must put them behind us and move on … we must focus on the War on Terrorism, gay marriages, the much anticipated Mission to Mars, and tort reform to prevent citizens for suing our beloved corporations.

What could John Kerry be thinking of by calling the Republicans the most crooked lying group he has ever seen? He can’t be unaware of the liberal lies that thinning our National Forests is simply for the benefit of the logging industry, that exploiting 9/11 for political purposes is unconscionable. I am shocked … shocked by his outrageous charge.
We good Republicans must form an Investigative House Committee ( re Senator Joseph McCarthy) to get to the bottom of these extraordinary allegations.


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