We Can Remove The Jackals From the House of Representatives
Richard Clarke, former Director for Counterterrorism, makes it unequivocally clear Dubya knowingly lied about Iraq’s WMD’s and odered his subordinates to give him the information to link the 9/11 attack to Iraq. No information existed so Dubya cherrypicked and misrepresented the truth. He lied and thereby violated his Oath of Office of President and deserves impeachment.
But, since the jackals are in charge of the House of Representatives, it is unlikely they will impeach a fellow jackal, and the Democratic hyenas stand in the shadows and crouch in fear.
So the Dubya dans macabre continues.
When Clinton lied about his sexual dalliance with Monica, the Republican jackals with frothy-mouthed sexual displacement circled his wounded carcass looking to kill. Now, Dubya lies to the world, and these same jackals timidly turn away, howling into the night of family values, integrity in the White House, fiscal restraint, and patriotism.
And the Democratic hyenas crouch in fear.
When Clinton lied, no one died.
Dubya continues the lie while collecting hundreds of millions from corporate America for his re-election .
Dubya really does not care what the people think of him. His god is money, and he believes it will always solve his problems and so far it has.
His lack of intellect makes him the ideal Republican President: the puppet barely able to read the script that Karl Rove and the neocons place in front of him.
Our only real WMD against Dubya’s Police State is our vote in November.
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