Monday, November 06, 2006

Darkness versus Light

If you like eternal winter, dark, midnight storms and rolling thunder, all things that disturb the tranquility, earthquakes and lightning flashes, things that go bump in the night, rain of frogs and black cats, wizened witches stirring cauldrons of tarry brews and stews of reeking pestilences, fogs of the soul and mind, mists rising from miasmic tarns, and black water filled with wiggly creatures dying in oil-filmed ponds too crowded for pollywogs to hatch, a world of eternal darkness and tortured live forms living in the stench of decay and ruin, continual unrest and blackness everywhere, then vote for John Doolittle.

If you love bright sunlight, clear air, birds singing symphonies, if you believe in life, growing things, flowers and babies, if you love to watch your children and grandchildren grow and learn, if you love to watch the babies, gurgling, smiling and touching their toes, if you love the quiet of morning on a Northern California spring day, if you love, respect, protect, and honor all things sacred, if you love and respect yourself, if you live a spiritual existence based on truth and beauty and caring for all things including all peoples of earth and sincerely wish them well hoping they have the opportunity to live the same beautiful life of infinite potential you live, and if you believe in goodness and light and a world in which all darkness becomes light to all peoples of the world, and if you wish all peoples the very best of everything, then do the honorable, admirable and humane thing and vote for anyone other than John T. Doolittle and his allies in Darkness.


At 7:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Darkness triumphed here in Ca-04, but goodness and light triumphed in our beloved republic.

At 7:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is obvious that light does not come easily.


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