The Mantra of the Far Right Preaches the Evils of the ACLU
The attacks on the ACLU by the far right have become so transparently inane that even the far right can no longer defend them. The neocons recruited the evangelical far right under the Reagan Administration to counter the criticism they had no foot soldiers, and hence no political clout. So they went to the leaders of the far right, promised them a voice in the Republican Party and the rest is history. Evangelicals before this recruiting always stayedout of politics and tried to achieve grace on their own.
After they were recruited, they started spouting the mantras of Guns, Gays, and God, given to them by the neocons, not because the neocons believe in these issues, they did not, but because they were techniques of control. The neocons believed only in American Imperialism, or American World Domination. These mantras were fed to the evangelicals to make them believe they had connection with their neocon leaders
Out of this questionable union came the mantra that the ACLU was evil. The ACLU, in reality, is the primary vehicle that preserves the freedoms guaranteed Americans in the Bill of Rights and the US Constitution. The neocons are fascists, people who want our country to be controlled by a union of Big Business and government, which is what we currently have in American under Bush and accounts for why the people feel so disenfranchised. The ACLU is seen by the neocons as the major threat to American freedoms so they have vilified it and directed their followers to believe it is evil when if fact it is the essence of keeping our free society free.
The attacks on the ACLU by the far right are as unsupportable as their attacks on Nancy Pelosi. People of faith do not ask for facts to support a position so they become willing foot soldiers in the battle to turn the US into a police state with a tyranny of the neocons.
Reasoning with people of faith becomes difficult because divine revelation is outside the purview of reason; their burning faith makes them willing fodder for the propaganda for the neocons.
The overwhelming failure of neocons policies is a drastic wake up call for their foot soldiers. We can only hope that these willing foot soldiers will not turn out in great numbers during the Republicans seventy-two hour get-out-the-vote drive before November 7. Hope is a broad winged bird that lifts our hopes and makes our spirits soar.
The ACLU even defends dirt like Lindbaugh, the great windbag and doper Rush.
Doing so can only give the ACLU a bad name according to the idiot fringe.
When the Repubs have knocked down all the laws and their Devil turns round on them, who will protect them then ... perhaps the ACLU, which defends idiots as well?
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