It is clear that George W. Bush was the leader that led the USA and other nations into a war based upon his Bush Doctrine. Hitler did the same thing when he invaded his European neighbors.
If anyone can explain the difference between the Bush Doctrine that justifies USA aggression anywhere on Earth and Hitler’s Doctrine of global control through militarism, then I for one would be interested in hearing Bush's defense.
I would be interested in hearing this defense in an international tribunal similar to the Nuremberg trials. George W. Bush has broken the most serious Nuremberg Principle, engaging in an unjustified pre-emptive war. Unjustified war is the most serious crime against humanity because of the massive death and destruction that results in such a war.
Germany now has reclaimed international good will because of its modern reputation and a very strong resistance of its citizens to hold their elected leaders accountable as to the international rule of law.
The Laws of War forbid such dangerous military adventurism. It is time for America to withdraw from the 130+ nations that we now have stationed our troops. I list these countries in my book, Freedom Underground. We must not only bring our troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan, but all the other nations around the world.
America cannot afford this global empire that now exists. She will be accepted back into the family of nations as an honest broker only when we refuse to deploy our military forces in a modern day global gunboat diplomacy.
This international occupation of the majority of nations around the world by our military has damaged our reputation as an honest and peace loving nation. Unless George W. Bush and his henchmen are charged with these crimes against humanity, then we will never again be considered an honest and just society. Our nation will continue down the path of destruction by our internal corruption and external opposition.
Carl Rising-Moore [risingmoorecarl@aol.com]
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