Monday, October 16, 2006

The Corruption Luncheon

A corrupt president came to the million dollar houses in the Serrano Country Club in El Dorado Hills to raise money for a corrupt congressman. The luncheon was really a protection racket affair at two thousand dollars per plate paid for by loyal developers and big business Board of Directors of John Doolittle Enterprises, who wants to assure that the pork keep flowing their way, that their preferential treatment is continued by Don John Doolittle, and that they are screened from the reality of inference from the people.

This luncheon, by invitation only, was for those who knew who they were well in advance because they all bear the same mark of self-serving, me-first, me-only government. The Corruption Luncheon is the epitome of corrupt business as usual. This fundraiser is the way things used to be done, and which are currently being done under Don John. Bush too needs all the help he can get to fund his three-billion-dollar-a-week country club recreation in Iraq.

Now is the time to change these corrupt practices. Everyone, once he/she realizes what they really are, except These Chosen, wants to eliminate this corrupt cabal from California's crystalline countryside.

Imagine the morality of those in attendance.

To change the culture of corruption, please vote for Rob Haswell and Charlie Brown.


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