Sunday, October 15, 2006

Bush's Behavior Toward Life and Death

Bush’s insensitivity toward the deaths of thousands in his two wars bring to mind the Wayne Madsen article listed below. His brutality and inhumanity were vividly shown during his term of Governor of Texas and how he handled the executions of record numbers of prisoners.

following story was originally published by CounterPunch – -
on April 22, 2003.
Reprinted with permission from the author)
APRIL 28, 2003, 1700 hrs PDT (FTW) -- George W. Bush proclaims himself a born-again Christian. However, Bush and fellow self-anointed neo-Christians like House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, John Ashcroft, and sports arena Book of Revelations carnival hawker Franklin Graham appear to wallow in a "Christian" blood lust cult when it comes to practicing the teachings of the founder of Christianity. This cultist form of Christianity, with its emphasis on death rather than life, is also worrying the leaders of mainstream Christian religions, particularly the Pope.
One only has to check out Bush's record as Governor of Texas to see his own preference for death over life. During his tenure as Governor, Bush presided over a record setting 152 executions, including the 1998 execution of fellow born-again Christian Karla Faye Tucker, a convicted murderer who later led a prison ministry. Forty of Bush's executions were carried out in 2000, the year the Bush presidential campaign was spotlighting their candidate's strong law enforcement record. The Washington Post's Richard Cohen reported in October 2000 that one of the execution chamber's "tie-down team" members, Fred Allen, had to prepare so many people for lethal injections during 2000, he quit his job in disgust.
Bush mocked Tucker's appeal for clemency. In an interview with Talk magazine, Bush imitated Tucker's appeal for him to spare her life - pursing his lips, squinting his eyes, and in a squeaky voice saying, "Please don't kill me." That went too far for former GOP presidential candidate Gary Bauer, himself an evangelical Christian. "I think it is nothing short of unbelievable that the governor of a major state running for president thought it was acceptable to mock a woman he decided to put to death," said Bauer.

So Bush’s lack of caring for the thousands of deaths he has caused is nothing new. estimates that 600,000 Iraq civilians have been killed, nearly 2800 Americans have been killed and well over 3 billion dollars have been spent. Bush is as heartless as a human can be. No American has been allowed to meet the bodies of those killed in Iraq and Afghanistan in the light of day. Those who died for our country are hidden from sight and arrive home under cover of darkness, protected for the prying eyes of the American public.

What kind of a person do we has as the leader of the free world?


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