Failure Breeds Desperation
Failure breeds desperation and Dubya is desperate. Not only is he unable to speak the English language, but also he is incapable of even listening, listening to those who counseled not to subject our nation to the quagmire that everyone knew Iraq would be. Shouting Stay the Course is no longer strong enough to bamboozle the American public.
He is now going to the UN Security Council(whom he scorned for not supporting his madness) with cowboy hat in hand whimpering and begging for “Old Europe” to help him out of the mess his mindless Texas swagger got us all into. He has been outwitted by Iran, Syria and North Korea and needs the UN to mop up his world mess.
Dubya is an embarrassment because while begging at the UN for other countries to solve his dilemma, he continues to lie to us , to take our tax dollars to destroy Iraq, and more of our tax dollars to give to his friends at Halliburton and Bechtel to rebuild what he destroyed. He is killing Iraqis by the thousands(600,000 to date) while young Americans (2800 so far) continue to die for nothing while he fiddles. Anyone else who has done what Dubya has done would be called a liar, a thief and a murderer.
If Dubya truly supports our young men and women in uniform, he would bring them home, not mindlessly keep them in harm’s way using our flag as a shield for his treachery making Samuel Johnson’s words very clear to us: “Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.”
The horrible truth is the UN will not provide help in Iraq and Dubya, without a plan, without a clue, will continue to sacrifice our sons and daughters. Dubya has achieved the neocons arrogant dream of pax americana, only his version is a nightmare with Rome burning while Nero fiddles and watches Iraqis and young Americans die.
His failed administration forces us to pick up the pieces of our lives and reshape our world. Let’s use the Dubya nightmare as a purgative and start electing thinking human being to the House of Representatives and impeach him to save our beloved republic for his nightmare and the neocons dream of world domination called pax americana.
Germany survived Hitler. Will we survive Dubya?
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