The Doolittle Mafia
The reprehensible behavior of the Doolittle Mafia is a mirror image of the Bush Mafia’s despicable behavior in Washington. Doolittle’s personal behavior is well-documented. But his intimidations of elected officials and his installation of his stooges in positions of power may be less obvious but no less destructive. He hand-selected Jerry Simmons to run unopposed (why?) for the Sierra College Board, and handpicked and backed Scott Leslie and Aaron Klein in an attempt to add Sierra College to his power base. If Sierra survives their self-serving antics, it will be because of their recall. The wasted dollars and time inflicted on us by Doolittle is cataclysmic.
Dave Creek is not running for re-election so the Mafia is supporting Lamont Royer for the Sierra Board of Trustees. To keep Sierra out of Doolittle black hands, vote for Bill Martin, a highly qualified man who wants to depoliticize the Board.
Bruce Kranz, Placer County Board, is another of his lackeys whose work only benefits Doolittle’s backers. Lesser well-known is the protection racket that Doolittle runs against our elected officials. His intimidation has turned some of our best public servants into his stooges by threatening to run his designated candidate against them with hundreds of thousands of dollars in backing, thus destroying their careers. Not only is Doolittle personally corrupting, but he corrupts other official through intimidation, which is really nothing more than a protection racket.
We must wake up, see Doolittle straight-on and dump him.
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